


4 years, 11 months ago



  • Name Rowan
  • Age 19
  • Height 5'4"
  • Occupation Warrior/ Captain of the gaurd
  • Sexuality Bi
  • Personality

    Rowan is the head of security for the village. Although she is not the best fighter in the village she has a calm head and a quick mind.

  • Appearance

    Rowan Has light pink hair and red eyes. Her bunny ears match her hair perfectly along with her tail. she typically wears full leather armour as there could be a need to fight at any time.

  • Likes Orderliness, women, Cleanliness
  • Dislikes Elliott, Most men, Chaos
  • Backstory



  • Elliott Weird Stalker man

    Elliott is Rowans stalker and potential love intrest, Except shes not in love with him and is kinda disturbed by his lack of control and order in his life..

  • Gilmar Wierd Stalker of her stalker

    Rowan has no actual opinion of this guy, and if circumstances were different she might even be friends , but he only gives her dirty looks and follows that Elliot guy around like some love sick dog

  • Honey Girl Best Friend

    Honey Girl is Rowan's role model. Honey Girl was the top of the fighters and was next in line for the thrown before she was taken by a group of men. Rowan has made it her job to make sure none of her sisters ever get taken again, even after Haoney Girl returns.

profile html by Hukiolukio