


4 years, 11 months ago


Maurice Clark
28 years old
Tough and stocky build, dark features
Owns very few articles of clothing. Everything he has is very worn.

He is a 'Seer', which is rare for adults. (Never lost the common childhood ability to see spirits)

Lived a hard life on the streets for as long as he can remember. Has fond memories of his mother. Preston (a postal box) was his childhood "imaginary friend". Hobbies include running and spending time at the local library. He looks serious on the outside but actually has quite the creative mind. Homeless.

If willing, he can be a vessel to a spirit. When this happens his eyes change to resemble the spirit inhabiting him and the spirit is the one in control. He is able to push them out when he no longer wants to host them. Spirits normally can't interact with the real world, so this can be useful. He and Henrick can be extremely powerful together.

Probably the most heroic and selfless of all my characters honestly. He's a good guy.