Poppy Harrow



5 years, 3 months ago


Poppy Harrow
18 Moons
January 12th, 2023
Maine Coon, Japanese Bobtail, Moggy
Poppy Harrow shares the name of her deceased father, as her mother still does as well. Domina and Poppy could not be more different, but that doesn't mean Poppy dislikes her mother in any way. They are commoners, but come from a particularly powerful family- one who has controlled Zelen's Keep for generations. Domina married into the family to take the position, and now Poppy is expected to take on the same task of her father- marrying someone into the Harrows who would serve as Zelen's Keep's Warden after Domina. However, she has a different goal in mind- she wants nothing to do with her betrothed at all. Her eyes are set only on her childhood friend, Timber Forest.
Poppy never lost her childhood whimsy and joy for the world, and it shows in her innocent stubbornness.
LIKES: Poppy has a deep love for flowers and growing them- she dreams of having her own florist's shop one day. She also loves sunny days, and studying the plants that manage to take root in such a hostile environment.

DISLIKES: Poppy hates the Jagged Isles and the idea of having anything to do with Zelen's Keep. She takes after her father, not Domina Harrow. She dreams of running away to F'allis, mind filled with stories that Timber Forest has told her of his home.

Poppy Harrow was the single surviving daughter of Domina Harrow and her husband, Elren Harrow. While she was born with a littermate, the secondborn did not survive the labor process, and was buried with his name- Auren.

Poppy was a doted upon child. She discovered her magic when she was only 3 moons old because it was a particularly cold day- but Elren luckily was with her, and when she melted her jacket and burned herself, he was able to carefully teach her to lower the temperature of her paws to a safe one. Comfortable, but not going to hurt anyone, least of all herself.

He was a proud father, to share his magic with her.

She spent a lot of time in the Smithy with Elren- he was a high demand blacksmith, and he let Poppy practice and play with metal scraps- she became quite good at melding small sculptures in the shape of flowers.

Domina was around as much as she could be, as well, but The Warden was busy much of the time managing The Keep. Poppy treasured all her time spent with her mother, but she struggled to find shared interests- unlike with Elren, who she seemed to share everything with.

Unfortunately, when Poppy turned 10 moons old, Elren died suddenly and without warning. It was a heart attack, or an aneurysm- something sudden and untraceable, something unpredictable and untreatable.

She was heartbroken. Domina took a leave of absence for the next two moons, to mourn and comfort her daughter as best she could. It was all made worse by the fact that Poppy took after Elren deeply in physical appearance. She was his miniature- and what had been a comfort after her brother's passing was now going to haunt them both.


When The Warden returned to her work, Poppy found solace in a young tom, named Timber. Timber Forest, in fact- the name of bastards from F'allis.

He was interesting, and Poppy was infatuated quite quickly. He told her stories of F'allis, and she came to adore the idea of forests and trees, rather than rocks and ocean. She had never belonged here, not really!

She decided within a few weeks of meeting Timber that she'd ask her mother to travel with him once she turned 18- they'd explore the continent, and pick up work around the way!

Unfortunately, fate was not in her favor, for her mother approached her at 18 moons old, and informed her of a choice she had made.

Poppy was to become betrothed. Domina had prepared her several options, but Poppy needed to choose from among them- so that the legacy of the Harrows would continue to be upheld. She would never remarry herself, to preserve the name of the Harrows- her options were all cats who could step into the role of Warden of Zelen's Keep one day.

Poppy resented being told to make a decision like that. In the end, she chose a tom named ??? ???, a younger son of a noble who seemed tolerable enough... yet her mind wandered to Timber and the idea of travelling the world.

Poppy loves her mother, yet she also rages against the machine. Even though she knows Domina has done her best to be present for her, especially in the two moons following Elren's death, she can't find enough commonality with her mother to truly bond with her. Being told she had to pick a husband, even though Domina truly tried to be kind about the betrothal process, has made her further resent the relationship between herself and her mother.
Poppy is close friends with Timber Forest, a bastard from F'allis banished from his home by his family around 10 moons old. He now resides in the Jagged Isles around her, having taken to travelling- but he stays, because she's asked him to. She trusts Timber with her secrets, like her desire to travel and flee her mother's grip. She shares that she's afraid that her father would be mad at her for that wish. She seeks him out at the first sign of distress, and finds herself craving his company. He's a good friend.
LORD ??? ??? (Betrothed)
Poppy only picked ??? because she had no other choice there presented with the options. She had truly wanted none of them- but she did it to make her mother happy. And truly, maybe she will go through with it and not run away like she confesses her desires to Timber in the night. Maybe she will find love in him. For the moment, though, she sees ??? as nothing more than a burden and a weight on her back, holding her down underwater where it's hard to breathe.
  • Curly Fur
  • Eyeliner is a marking not just lashes
  • Speckling can be drawn imprecisely
  • All markings except legs can be solid or blurred
  • However, blurred/gradiented out is the preference
  • Darker stripes on cheek fur are just stylistic gradienting
  • Poppy has a permanent ship with Timber ForestPoppy%20Harrow%203.png
  • Poppy inherited her father's magic almost identically
  • Poppy's mother married into the Harrow family to become the Warden as she is now asking Poppy to marry someone into the family
  • Poppy's character has been rewritten by her getting a new player
  • Poppy has never done a hard day's work in her life
  • Poppy looks extremely similar to her father, just a touch more robust
  • Travelling
  • Geography
  • Plants and Flowers
  • Agriculture
  • Blacksmithing
  • Sculpting
"I've always wanted to travel the world, honestly, because the world is so much bigger than any of us imagine! My mother would have me stay here and rot away in the Jagged Isles, but I can't bear the idea of staying here just one second longer. I want to go somewhere I can truly grow plants, and I want to be a florist. I'm going to do it, and travel all the way to F'allis!"