

4 years, 11 months ago


Aka Father

- ~280 y/o [looks around 35]
- 174cm
- Demon [Gluttony]
- Barhumian
- Male [AMAB]
- DoB
- Homosexual
- Single
- Priest
- Burns on both his forearms and face (hidden with makeup), grumpy when hungry, knows how to cook and is pretty good at it, loves to preach the sinners and sometimes will subtlely make them more doubtful, 

+ Eloquent, generous, good-natured, reliable, tidy,
~ Charismatic, clever, self-sufficient, direct
- Manipulating, teasing, judgemental, sarcastic, liar, possessive, temperamental, 

Likes : Preaching, food, eat and drink, getting what he wants, playing with others, semen, watching the paladins work out (especially one), pineapple, tease the younger demons,
Dislikes : Rats, the pulsions he gets sometimes because of his demonic origins, being hungry, Bahrum, wasted food, 

//!\\TW : Gore, cannibalism, torture.//!\\

- Born the 4th of a family of 8 children. They were very poor and basically every kid had a different father from one another due to the mother's "job" and personality. He was one them, and like his elders before him, he suffered starvation and had no choice but to feed upon dead rats, stale food he'd find on the ground and basically anything that was or had been once edible... sometimes not, but there was no choice. So when the last born died a few weeks after their birth, the lucky ones who were fast enough were able to feast. The lived in an abandonned house in the slums of Bahrum. And this poor excuse of a life continued for a few years.
- Age 14, he managed to survive, by some miracle. Like the 2nd and the 6th. Their mother was dead and only bones were remaining in their house when they left. They had to have their bellies full if they wanted to survive in the wild. So they walked out of the slums, scavenging for "leftovers" on their way to the big city. There, there would be food, right ? There, they could live a better life, right ? But what was better than what they already had ? They didn't know.
- Age 18, he had eaten the remains of his last siblings. They had lived together in the street for a few years before they both died after a stupid fight over some cash they had found. Who needed cash when you could get free food in every street you walked by ?
- Age 20 he was caught by the guards while feasting on the body of a woman he had killed out of despair and starvation. He was executed the day after by the Rat torture.
- As soon as he arrived in Hell, he was asked if he either wanted to stay in Hell and suffer for eternity OR go back on Peos to keep on doing the gross stuff he used to do... but for fun. Sort of. So the decision was made and he turned into a demon from the Gluttony Circle. Then began his second life as the demon Uriel, which was a name he choose for himself. In Hell, and back on Peos, he finally got the 'education' he never had. He learned a lot of things about... values, but really couldn't care less about these. He learned about manners, which he found out to be quite important to have if he wanted to fit in and get closer to the people without scaring them away. He also learned after... a bunch of decades, to stop eating corpses he found on the street, for it might get him into trouble. And it actually did, as he was one day found out by Paladins who threw him some Holy water. It left burns on his skin, on his face and forearms, but he managed to escape and make it back to Hell. And he's also learned the pleasure of sex and... now semen might be is favorite type of... "food".
- He learned about these famous Paladins and about that 'church', since these were so important to the people... and he became quite curious about them. So they were dedicating their whole life to the cult of some deity ? Interesting... this God was never there for him. The ruler in Hell was. So why not have some fun with those men of Faith ? He did his research and then began his job as a deacon, at first, 9 years ago. But with his demonic origins, he came up with a plan. He made the people believe he was a worshipper who had survive the temptation and the attack of a demon... and they believe it !! He was then brought up by the Church as an example and a miraculous survivor of the evil. He became a Priest relatively quickly (6 years ago) and is now surrounded by Paladins who are able to smell the evil within him... but believe the feeling is only the remains of that fictional attack he had survived.
- He now rules over the main church of the Capital in Coddwig, Wylt, and loves his occupation dearly... despite having to protect himself from the Holy water.