SpiderMako / Mako



4 years, 11 months ago


My Spidersona! Some buds said he reminded them of a shark, so what's better than some type of water/swimming-based ability? Mako sharks are the fastest known species, and Diving Bell Spiders are the only known spider that survives underwater. So why not combine those features? 

Ya boi can make some quick getaways by shooting a web on the surface of a pond, river, or any other body of water and diving in head-first to create a small air pocket that will last him for a couple of breaths :>

The main villains he fights in his universe include The Spot, Chameleon, and Venom, but he can be drawn facing off against anybody! He's always happy to team up with a fellow Spider, and his favorite food is street tacos, which he found out the hard way are really difficult to be eaten while hanging upside down.

Real name: Charlie 

Height: 5'6 

Strengths: Speed, Agility, Stealth, Puzzles, Strong Moral Compass, Resourceful

Weaknesses: Technology???, Anxiety, Self-doubt, Actual Spiders, Puppies and cute animals