Hurse the Hustler



5 years, 17 days ago

Basic Info

Obtained via





Stats & quests:

"Psst! Hey kid!" - you hear as soon as you find yourself in the new location.

You turn around. The person whispering to you looks kind of like a kid himself. Still, that doesn't seem to bother him, he waves you over.

"Kid, come with me. You're new here, you wanna get into the Calikoi City, right? But the city's pretty damn specific, it's in the name ya know, gotta be a calico or a koi, you can't just walk right in looking like, they won't let ya. See that big thing there?" He points into the distance and you see something like a gate to the city suspended in starry space. In front of it, is a huge fluffy three-headed.... cat you suppose:

18318789_OrVCDDRLc750U3V.png"Yeah, that thing. It's the Caliberus, if you don't look like a calico or a koi fish or both at once, then there ain't no way inside, or well, there is, but if someone catches you, then oh boy, off to the dungeon with you, or something like that. So if you want in, you need a hand. And for a small fee or favor, I'll give you one. Come, come."

You follow him through another portal and emerge into an inside of some sort of cottage. There's lots of art supplies, most of the paints are white, orange and black.

"I'll make you a perfect Calikoi, the water taint thing you have going might be a bit challenging to work with but rest assured, once we get the paints on, they'll stay on, it's waterproof, tested on yours truly here!" He points at his fish tail. "Oh yes, I go to the city all the time! All it takes is a little paint job." He laughs, and begins working. "I have like a solid 85% or so success rate. So if you get in, don't forget to leave a 5 star review and also never mention this to anyone in Calikoi City alright? Oh and well, since you have no money on you, I will have to ask you for a little favor, something to do for me on your travels."

He makes quick work of you and in an hour, he is done. He leads you in front of a large mirror where you can see that you are now fully white orange and black, and your feathers have been painted into scales. It does look pretty convincing. Hurse takes you back through the portal and beckons you towards the city gates.

"You're so ready, now you just walk up to this kitty cat there like you own the place, and well, if you pass, then you pass. And if you don't, then I'd advise running away real quick or the kitty might think you're a little mouse or something. But just in case. Here's also kitty's favorite snack." He hands you three very big pieces of some sort of cat kibble.
Type / Size:
??? / Medium
(specific characters):
-none yet-
XP if defeated
Chance to adopt:

Quests & rewards:
Local Quests 
(to be completed while in this area)

Local Quest 1 

To proceed towards the city, draw your character either being painted into a calico by Hurse, or draw your character (already in the disguise) being sniffed by the Caliberus.

Reward: 200 XP
“As you can imagine, I am constantly running out of paints and stuff. If you could grab some art supplies on your travels and bring them to me, we’d be all even for the paint job.”  

Secret Quest:
Portal Check:
Encounter Log: