💸 CJ 💸 (INFO (old))



3 years, 9 months ago


CJ (Ceasar James Antonio) - 23
"Plant Boy"
"Boss Baby"


- Cunning, intelligent, ambitious, rutheless, determined
- Gets annoyed very easily


Grew up in lower-middle class in Los Creanne, Kassuq, but his parents were imprisoned because they went bankrupt and could not pay back the debt, staying in hiding from the government for years. This happened when he was only 7 years old, and he grew up on his own since then. He hated the Kassuq government (which was very corrupt), and wanted to get filthy rich in order to prove to everyone he could do it, and also get revenge for his parents and not end up like them. 

He joined the mafia at age 8, and quickly became the Boss's favorite, just because of how cute, yet cunning and agile he was. The initiation to join the mafia was to get one of your pinkies cut off -- and he cut both off, all by himself. He worked his way up the ranks for years, and at age 14 he was basically second only to the boss, and ended up murdering him. He was on the run from the Los Creanne mafia. There were, however, a few members of the mafia that hated the old boss -- and sided with CJ. They were always outcasts and at the bottom of the pecking order, but CJ had always treated them with more respect than the boss did. Not with kindness, but respect -- he never underestimated them. These members fought alongside CJ with the mafia, and proved to be quite strong -- so a truce was created. Two mafias were created: the Northside and Southside. The original mafia stayed on the northern side of Los Creanne and CJ and his crew of outcasts stayed on the south. The two sides became rivals, and fights would often break out. CJ increased his following, being ruthless but cunning and smart about his moves. Neither mafia/gang kept the pinkie initiation, so he and a few of the original members were recognizable in that way as the OG. 

CJ has three right-hand men, all original members of the Los Creanne mafia. They really actually hate each other, but stick together for their own gain. Their names are Vasiliy, Steve and Armenius. 

CJ had started gambling at 11 years old, with the original mafia. He continued to do it, but it got out of control at around 17-18 years old. He was beginning to run out of money, and feared he would end up in shame just like his parents had. He panicked, and gambled more to try and win it back, but only lost more. With the money he had left (and some from his partners in the Southside mafia) he opened up The Crustacean, a casino (on a yacht), also called "Crusty's". He was able to continue his gambling addiction there, but since he owned it he was able to earn more money and scam the people who gambled there. He goth filthy rich, just as he always wanted. 

CJ got "filthy rich", just as he had always wanted. But his parents were still in prison. He hadn't seen them since he was 7, and he was now 23. He felt lonely, even having people follow him and listen to what he says as a mafia boss. But none of them loved him, or even liked him. He had no one who loved him.


4'7", baby pink hair, teardrop tattoo on left cheek, diamond bonded canines, lots of piercings (mainly diamonds, rubies and sapphires and sometimes emeralds if he's feeling feisty), looks very young, wears fancy (lowkey too big for him) suits, smokes cigars, missing both pinkies, cut in his left eyebrow.

Fun facts

- Has the ability to talk to plants, called Herbolescence. Hates it usually, as many plants are very chatty, but uses them to his advantage to eavesdrop as well. He keeps a houseplant in every room on his yacht for this reason.
- He has impressively high pain tolerance.
- CJ would be able to occasionally sneak into Northside "events" because of his chopped pinkies 


- Mustang Kids (Zella Day) : Lyrics