
Name: Jamison Williams II

Preferred Name: Jamie - Most people believe this is his given name

Nickname(s): Various American Authors ((e.g. Hawthorne, Steinbeck, Dickinson, Hemingway etc. ) only by Seth)), Mr. Williams (By students)

Age: 24

Height: 5ft 10in

Gender: Male - (internally semi-nonbinary, but stifles that part of himself in order to avoid workplace/at-home controversy)

Sexuality: (semi-closeted) Bisexual/Biromantic

Hair: Medium blond

Eyes: Green

Skin: Light, burns easily, blushes even more easily

Grade: College Graduate in Education (and American/English Lit)

Profession: High School American Lit Teacher, Aspiring Author

Appearance: Fairly good-looking, with generally either an attentive or unamused expression. Can be described as “cute”, with a somewhat round face and feminine tendencies. Not very muscular, hair is neatly brushed to one side but is still a little bit long. Jamie looks fairly young, but can come across as intimidating when in a bad mood.

Style: Semi-Formal, especially for work. Jamie wears a button-up shirt, tie, and usually some sort of sweater or vest while teaching. He doesn't go so far as to iron his pants every day, but likes having outfits planned the night before. At home he prefers camisoles, sweaters, shirts with long sleeves, and loose jeans. Sometimes at home, he likes to wear long skirts or sweatpants. Jamie doesn't usually wear shorts or tank-tops, and always keeps his midriff covered, preferring to wear shirts even at a place like the beach or pool.

Hobbies: Writing, Baking, Poetry, Reading, Bird-Watching from a hammock, talking shit, getting overly-invested in TV shows - He loves to do things for the aesthetic

Place in community: Jamie loves teaching and analyzing books, and wants to create a series of his own someday. He respects his students and for the most part earns respect in return. Among the faculty, Jamie is well-liked, often bringing in snacks for other teachers and staff, and going out of his way to smile and greet others in the hallway. 

In reality, he very badly wants to be liked and accepted, and tries very hard to appear respectable and likable in front of his peers.

Attitude toward life: Wants to be adored and praised by all; Feels immense pressure to live up to standards of perfection, and struggles to be happy because of that. He often gets stuck in his own head and feels as if the weight of the world is crushing him. While often struggling with depressive moods, Jamie still feels as if he's happy to be alive. He's struggling to improve himself and live a better life.  

Attitude Later on: Cautiously optimistic. Currently is happy in his situation, but doesn’t want to somehow jinx that.

Positive Qualities: Creative, genuinely kindhearted, empathetic. Good at being professional and speaking to others respectfully. Has a good eye for details and pushes himself and others to do their best. Jamie is very smart - and is able to think critically and act well under pressure (most of the time). He is personable and charismatic, and able to talk with many people (though it drains his energy).

Negative Qualities: Sensitive and sarcastic. Jamie highly dislikes troupes and clichés, and has a very critical eye for media. He keeps a bitterly critical side of himself mostly hidden from view. Very competitive at times, and sometimes overly emotional, and struggles between shutting down and getting overwhelmed by his emotions.  Holds grudges and takes things too personally.

Private life: He takes a lot of naps. Jamie tries not to spend too much time alone, because he knows he tends to ruminate on things and make himself melancholic. When he can’t find inspiration to write, he watches TV with his sister, cooks, or reads. He loves to feed birds and take care of animals when he gets the chance.