Gaylord Nitrogen (Thelo Mylo)



1 year, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Bipolar Impulsive


That's, well, complicated


Arcana Summoner Vampire Priest


Time was invented by clock companies to sell more clocks


Probably above average


A little on the light side


"Search thine own self, fear not the dark, and let the feast begin." "Hadn’t realized she’d been spending the last 18 years stockpiling pussy-eating energy." "I don't give a fuck, they sent me to piss the world off." "As long as this universe has a finite life span, there is nothing in it that will last forever." "At first you're sad it's happening, and when it's finally over you're no longer in pain."

He claims to be empty inside. Comes across as arbitrary, confusing, a couple other things that are hard to explain, but he still knows when to be humble and polite. He acts like he wields incredible power and influence, even when he knows he doesn't, but almost nobody has heard of him, and he is nowhere near the top of the food chain as he is now. His powers mostly revolve around an extended list of tarot cards.

Of course, it is mostly a ruse, as he is a Nitro personality, even if he is an unusual one. He was originally a vampire and a priest of Chaos before he became a Nitro personality, so not much has changed, personality wise. He had become a vampire at a somewhat young age, so he's been stuck in the body of a teenager ever since, even as a Nitro personality. He didn't even get to be a vampire for very long before he died.

Thelo maintains a similar appearance to Lord Nitro, having the same skin tone and eyes, but his hair is a bit longer and usually tied back into a ponytail, and he lacks the soul patch, opting for stubble instead. He has the symbol of Chaos tattooed around his left eye, and he retains his vampire fangs. He's wearing a red clerical shirt and red pants, with a black undershirt that's longer than the red one, under a black ankle-length coat (unbuttoned) with a hooded pellegrina attached, a necklace with a symbol of Chaos hanging off it, and dark metal gloves and shoes. The pellegrina has a symbol of Chaos centered on the back of it. Sometimes has a white stole over his shoulders, with the symbol of Chaos at each end in red.