Aurora Batista



4 years, 10 months ago


Known for her youtube channel "Autizta", Aurora is a charming red autistic dragon girl who loves video editing, video games, documentaries about the effects of media and the internet on our society and self-advocating for autism! She's very shy but her subscribers love her! I created her for an animation assignment at college.

Single daughter, the family's little blue angel. Aurora got diagnosed young and grew up seeing her autism and the way she spoke as wrong and something to be ashamed of, everyone either talked like she wasn't there or like she was a baby. She got access to the internet very young, and it was all different, she had a voice! And everyone thought autism was very funny and cool actually.

At 14, she made a youtube channel for minecraft videos, at 15 she started doing some meme stuff and vlogs as well and it really took off! She hated her voice so she used silly text to speech for everything and everyone thought it was hilarious! Aurora fit right in, like she never had before, but it wasn't all great

Eventually, growing up popular on the internet started getting to her, as did the toxic community of gaming youtubers that thought ableism was funny. As she slowly tried to come out as actually autistic (and not cishet) and demand respect for that, the internet begun to seem more and more as just a dark place, if not worse, than the real world

The thing is, a lot of her audience grew up with her too, and really related to her journey. As she gained new haters she gained new fans, and friends, it was on YouTube that she met her best friend and roomate Tatá, who wondered if they could be autistic as well.

They grew inseparable, and raised money to be able to live together and escape their disrespectful families. it started out so scary and it's still hard sometimes, but they are infinitely happier with their lives.

>Some facts about her!

>She has a lot of speech impediments and much prefers having computer voices talk for her. Eventually she learned to use LIBRAS to communicate

>Her internet aliases went something like this: minecraftcreeperssuck > gaming kitties > batkitplays > bautista > minecraftautism > autizta

>While she did do a bunch of courses after school, she never took any specific college courses, she's a full-time content creator now

>She doesn't like leaving the house much but makes an effort to attend Tatá's rehearsals and shows

>Aurora's fans keep telling her to try streaming on Twitch but she refuses change, she did make a Tiktok but she rarely posts there

>While she did have many accounts all over the internet that were quite active as a kid, as she grew up she got more and more exhausted of them. Nowadays aside from Steam, YouTube, Apoia-se, Ko-fi, Telegram and the dead Tiktok, all her accounts online are private.

>Aurora is an aromantic gray ace trans girl, she had her viewers choose her name on a YouTube community poll

>Activists request her presence a lot, but she often refuses and has Tatá go instead, if it's a public event with a lot of people in particular she will definitely refuse