Gerhardt Zaïre Foerstner



8 years, 2 days ago
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Basic Info


Gerhardt Zaïre Foerstner ( Brave | Blooming Flower | Keeper of Forest )






December 31, 1997


5’ 9”


Bisexual Biromantic


Eye color: yellow
Physical appearance: lanky, green skin with scale patches, short black hair, average lips, pointed ears, dragon tail
Unique physical attributes: patches of scales, forked tongue, dragon tail


Defining gestures: he licks his lips often, showing off his tongue, and constantly rubs his thumb and forefinger together
Speaking style: speaks a little fast, a little loud, animated
Pet peeves: party poopers, snitches
Hobbies/interests: setting small things on fire, drawing people


Special skills/abilities: can breathe fire
Insecurities: worries his friends will think he’s too much trouble and give up on him
Temperament: actively moving, can’t keep still, hot-headed
Negative traits: a bit of a control freak sometimes
Things that upset him: not getting in trouble for the pranks he pulls, when people don’t care


Things that embarrass him: getting pulled by his pointy ears
This character is highly opinionated about: history
Phobias: claustrophobic, people thinking he’s a waste of time/space
Things that make him happy: setting fires, drawing people without them knowing


Family: his dad doesn’t care about him at all, he only sees a troublemaker.  his mother’s patience is running thin.  they’re normally too busy with work, or too busy setting up meetings and working from home, to pay attention to him.  if he asks for something, he normally gets it just to get out of their hair.  they’ve been like this since he was about ten years old.  his parents say that if he gets in trouble with the law even one more time, they’re disowning him and throwing him out.  he does his best to stay out of trouble after that, but for the most part, he can’t completely stay out of it.  if anything goes wrong, they blame him regardless.


Other people’s opinions of this character: his friends like to pull pranks with him because they know he’ll take the blame.  other people generally don’t like him because he’s the annoying kid in class, or the kid that can’t get his act together.  they call him arrogant.


Favorite bands: Panic! At the Disco, Penny & Sparrow
Favorite movies: horror / thrillers
Favorite TV shows: Bob’s Burgers
Favorite books:
Favorite foods: anything spicy
Religion/philosophy of life: there is no higher power. life is a series of random occurrences.


Description of his house:
Description of his bedroom: somewhat messy, but also organized, his clothes are normally in a basket, unfolded (whether dirty or clean) and his desk is littered with various books.  his easel is always kept put away unless he’s sketching.  his closet is tossed together and his movie shelf is organized by genre and then alphabetized.  he has a dartboard on one wall, normally littered with a handful of darts.


Pets: Abyssinian cat named Aelius
Superstitions: none
Three words to describe this character: