


5 years, 4 days ago



56380344_LcLhIeNqOWgUn4i.png HP A

Hiero S

Attack A

Defense B

Speed B

Technique A

Intellect C

Charisma S

Luck C


Species Human
Birthdate/ Age April 30th, 2470 GY. (29-30)
Height 5'9" (175.26cm)
Nationality Currently a Junian citizen, but native to Juno's rival, Ayn.
Occupation Rank 3 of the Royal Guardians
Alias Red Tiger

"...It doesn't feel like I've lived for twenty-nine years..."

Kiemi is a proud woman of royalty who is well respected in Juno despite being from its rival country, Asgard. She was born in an adulterous relationship with Juno's queen and Ayn's king. The King of Juno, Milan, took her in after he found out, which was shortly after his wife's death. Kiemi respects him for that. Kiemi became a part of the Royal Guardians, she now holds rank 3.

Some even call her the "Ideal Royal Guardian" for her charisma and leadership. She finds herself bored of all the "same things" happening and loves change. Once she is characterized more, she tends to act rather vulgar when with those she’s familiar with.


Social Reserved

Empathetic Logical

Dishonest Sincere

Serious Trivial

Cautious Risky




Commendable Leadership




Unexplained Resentment, Inconsistent Behavior

Skills & Abilities

Spear Mastery
Kiemi was taught the way of her spear by her father, the late Aynian king. She dedicated her time to becoming as skilled as him.

Hand-to-hand combat
Kiemi's back-up offense. She learned it from Tankei. That said, she's not the best at it. She's mixed it with her spear fighting unlike Tankei though, so overall she is more of a threat.

Partial Hiero Activation
Kiemi can unlock some of the hiero storage in her spear. This summons blades at the ends of her spear. These blades can penetrate hiero barriers.

Total Hiero Activation
Allows hiero from Kiemi's spear to enter her whole body. This increases her abilities and speed to the point where she could catch up to Grimoire's Time Freeze ability and inflict massive damage. Unfortunately, she cannot move her body for a while after the effects wear off.

Spear Dance
A very complex trio of dances that mimic battle. These significantly bring up her attack range, general damage, or evasion. They also allow her to change the activation levels and fighting styles.

Excessive Determination
This is not truly an ability, but since hiero is linked heavily to the mindset, Kiemi can break limits she’d normally have as a human being. She’s known for enduring attacks that should injure her, and getting back up stronger than before due to this.


Hiero Relic[ Most Prized Possession/ Weapon ]
Kiemi is almost one with her weapon, the Spear of Triam. She obtained after slaying the king of Asgard. She uses it all the time, and some even call it her fifth limb. The spear has activated and deactivated forms, allowing Kiemi to use different fighting styles, and deal different amounts of damage.

The Spear of Triam is an heirloom that originated from a higher being. It looks more like a bo staff when not activated, as it has no blade.

Royal Guardian Armor [ Armor ]
Allows Kiemi to endure attacks she normally couldn’t. Also increases Kiemi’s flexibility and speed.

Hiero Powered Bluetooth [ Tool ]
A small circular device meant for Guild Aegis members, high ranking department officials, and the top 3 Royal Guardians to keep in contact.



Kiemi reveals herself mid-prologue, shortly before the Goddess's True Blessing Arc. She is like a role model to Tankei and Mel. It's not long before she gets involved with Mio. Kiemi especially got an attachment to Miuu, Mio's and Shoko's hiero observer/ caretaker.

She becomes an ally, but a shady one... Her personality is regal, but her motives are unknown and she sometimes feels sullen with characters like Mio.


~ Kiemi is very insecure about her age. She will lose her mind if her age is brought up.

~ Oddly enough, Kiemi has a phobia of the dark. She is not seen anywhere at night often either.




[ Childhood Friend/ Lover? ]

Kiemi and Grimoire were both royalty, and saw each other often as adolescents. She trusts Grimoire, but knows he is very close-minded. She often tries to get him to open up.


Lady Micah

[ Boss ]

Kiemi always listens to Lady's orders, Lady respects Kiemi very much as a result. Kiemi tries to keep their relationship professional, but Lady is known to prank her because of this.



[ Co-worker/younger sister figure ]

Tankei and Kiemi met 2-3 years prior to the current day. Tankei likes how determined Kiemi is, and considers her one of her closest friends. Tankei speaks with Mel more than Kiemi, which Kiemi is okay with... but she seems to feel some way about how close Mel and Tankei have gotten. She feels obligated to guide Tankei so that Tankei doesn't make the same mistakes she has.



[ Co-worker ]

Kiemi and Mel have a very awkward relationship and only interact if there are other Royal Guardians around. She disciplines Mel often.

The following relationships are not revealed until later in the story.



[ Friend/Rival??? ]

Kiemi meets Miuu in the prologue, and tends to flirt with her. Miuu saw this as an act Kiemi did to obtain information on her. This leads to Miuu threatening Kiemi later. After some time, Miuu begins to trust her again, and almost becomes one of her closest friends until the later parts of the prologue.