Tadakatsu Ebihara (Next Gen: Yua Saiba)



Yua Saiba (災場 結愛, Saiba Yua — "calamity, curse," "place," "tie, bind," "love, affection,") is a young girl around a similar age to Yachiru, from the town of Saiba of North Rukongai, District 80. It's well known that the outer districts are incredibly violent and impoverished. Yua had to kill and steal to survive, even going so far as to eat stray animals. She's quite feral when she initially applies for the Shin'o Academy, which she does because she heard that shinigami eat well and live lavishly. She possesses incredible spiritual pressure and sharp killing instinct, which means she easily passes the entrance exam on skill alone. Unfortunately, she cannot read or write, and her people skills are minimal. This makes it difficult for her to study, however the professors are accommodating, and instead allow her to recite her answers to exams. There's no doubt about where she's going after graduation. She's perfect for the Eleventh Division!

She is put into Tadakatsu Ebihara's squad, and he introduces himself in the same manner which he introduces himself to anyone! "I'm Tadakatsu Ebihara, you can call me Shrimpy!"

Contrary to her appearance, she is quite stunted and awkwardly formal in her speech, so she does not feel comfortable referring to her squad leader as Shrimpy (Ebi-chan). People also refer to him as Big Brother Shrimpy (Ebi-oniisan) and aniki but she doesn't know what a big brother is, so she doesn't call him that either. She refers to him as Mr. Shrimp (Ebi-san), though her feelings regarding him start to change, and he acquires another title from her. Mr. Shrimp is super strong and super cool, and he makes her feel safe and warm and cared for! He always shares his food with her, lets her ride on his back when her feet hurt, praises her for no reason, encourages her and teaches her, and takes a lot of pride in her! Yua may not know what a big brother is, but she knows what a dad is, and Tadakatsu fits the bill! So Tadakatsu also becomes Papa Shrimp!

Then there's Kenpachi, Tadakatsu's romantic life partner. There was a hole that Yachiru left behind that Yua easily fills. She reminds Kenpachi of Yachiru. Yua's unafraid of him, can look him straight in the eye without flinching. Yua also reminds Kenpachi of himself. She's bloodthirsty and willing to go to impossible lengths for a good fight, and she can be brutally cold and uncaring. But more importantly than any of that, Yua reminds Kenpachi of Tadakatsu. She's got this spark in her that makes her want to prove herself and never stand down. She challenges Kenpachi at every opportunity. She's easily excitable and she's loud and brash and determined! And that means that Kenpachi automatically loves her.

Yua refers to Kenpachi the same way Tadakatsu does, as "Zaraki-dono," but she also refers to him as Papa. He is the best papa, the strongest papa, no one can beat her papa!

And so the Seireitei has come to accept it. Yua is Kenpachi and Tadakatsu's kid! And now Tadakatsu's adoptive father Tetsugaya cannot complain anymore about not seeing any grandkids, because he's got one!