


7 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info

Species / Race ||

Dragon (Drake) / Norwegian

Height ||

5' 10''

Age ||


Relationship ||

Attached to a certain Siren

Build ||


Gender ||


Sex/Rom Orentation ||


Traits ||

Sensitive , Greedy , Playful , Persistent


Kidnapped and lost at sea, he was found on the shore of the sunshine state by, his soon to become brother, Dillan. Dillan not knowing fully well what he'd snuck home surprised both him and his father when Rayne was now in human form the next morning. Nevertheless, with no questions asked, Deigo took Rayne in with open arms and heart. Rayne became Diego's second son and Rayne was glued to him almost naturally. 18 years past and while on a stroll at the beach Rayne ran into Vail who, at the time, was really minding his own business. Rayne took quite a liking to Vail immediately, as he does with most beautiful things, and invited him to stay at his home after he was told about his circumstance. Fast forward to the present time Rayne and Vail are now thick as thieves and would do almost anything for one another. (cue "awww")
Little does he know, Raynes biological father is out searching for him and soon he'll meet him face to face.


  • Is that loud and obnoxious kid everyone seems to like, He just doesn't get in trouble because he's "charming"
  • A boob guy
  • Hates being yelled at
  • Former emo, now internalized