


4 years, 11 months ago


there's a song hidden somewhere in your quiet mouth.


Full Name: aoibheann o'corrigan
Nickname: corrigan, cor
Gender: woman by nature but whats it matter
Sexuality: lesbian
Species: bean sí
Ethnicity: irish
Age: 768, ranges from 40s-50s in appearance
Birthday: september 6th, 1250
MBTI: estj
Extras: director of the auks' tourism department, does not give anyone her given name, keeps chickens

after losing a substantial bet she really, really thought she'd win and didn't actually have the means to make good on, the banshee known as corrigan got herself slapped with a hefty sentence of service to the courts - watching over an old fey homeland while humankind made their advance.


Height: 5'11
Build: bony, appears a tad underweight
Hair: waist length, thick, almost black and streaked with white
Eyes: grey, usually narrowed
Apparel: stylish business wear. tasteful blouses and dresses, pencil skirts and well cut trousers, heels. more comfortable but clearly well made clothing on her off days, chunky-knit sweaters, fitted tshirts, tailored jeans, slim puffer jackets, classic boots.
Details: crow's feet, smile lines, and forehead wrinkles. long fingers. slightly cold to the touch. prone to sudden heavy nosebleeds and easy skin laceration.


Personality: brusque, no nonsense, and logical. not particularly verbose, prefers to fully think out her words. definitely a glass half empty person, but more resigned than dramatic about it. prepares for the worst, pleasantly surprised by even moderate outcomes. loves a good spirited argument, as long as she wins. extremely driven, doesn't let her ideas go. fairly easy to anger, but always very cold. angry crier. doesn't express emotions well. often takes a caregiving role, brings note-less soup to sick neighbors and leaves pastries in the aictt break room. loves children, has ended up as a mentor for many younger fey.
Mannerisms: purses her lips while thinking or when annoyed. idly taps out small rhythms with her fingers. plays with her hair if its in a ponytail. curses a fair amount.
Hobbies: baking, hanging out with the chickens, putting purposely terrible music on at the golden tongue
Ineptitudes: breaks almost all technology she touches and regularly has to get new phones and kitchen appliances, prone to grudges, easily frustrated by complication
Likes: hiking on cold days, particularly gorey horror films, soft throw blankets
Dislikes: when the courts are feeling intrusive, heavy perfumes, mud on her shoes


Form: can take on a variety of forms, but has no need for the more ghastly ones these days. she can't keep any particular form for very long, needing to reset herself after a couple weeks, and any such issues are accelerated by emotional distress.
Abilities/Talents: death prediction, especially pertaining to her dedicated family, though it activates situationally as well. she can give a vague approximation of the date a person will die at any time, but can't get closer than about the month of it until it's closer to their demise.


married off at sixteen to a brutal older man, the girl known as aoibheann was dead within a year of her wedding. cruelty kept her soul from rest, transforming her into a spiteful harbinger of doom. her murderous husband was rotten, and each of his sons from his other dead wives were rotten, and the new banshee would watch every one of them die, even if she had to push them towards it. especially if she had to push them towards it.

some time after her vengeance was enacted, the fey courts approached her, offering community and guidance. now only going by her maiden name, corrigan resided among her fellow fey for years, largely as a servant for the banshee queen's attendants. the longer she spent there, the bolder she grew, gaining rank within the courts and making a name for herself. after a few centuries, she grew bored of all the drama and murder, and left the courts to see more of the burgeoning world around them.

twenty-five years ago, humans discovered the puffins of auks' isle. unfortunately, around the same time, corrigan found herself making dumb decisions among the fey courts. the sentence of watching the population balance of auks' isle doesn't sound bad on paper, but corrigan has prided herself in recent centuries on her relative freedom.

while she's settled into her new life, corrigan still holds a fair bit of resentment towards her situation. she dislikes bureaucracy and its complications, humankind gets on her nerves, and auks' has always felt too small, but she's content enough at home in kilcaister with her chickens.

