


4 years, 10 months ago


Feral version -


- She steals the voices of her victims and she uses those voices to lure others into the woods. She can throw her voice and make it sound distant or near from any direction which is useful for causing unsuspecting folks to get lost. 

- Essokinesis - She can alter reality, manifest illusions and alter her body to mimic fears of her "playthings" If they're afraid of cars/roads she'd make them believe they were in the middle of the street with her eye sockets beaming like headlights and no matter where they moved they'd still be in the middle of the road. If they have a fear of holes the trees and rocks as well as her face would be full of dark pores/holes. Spiders and she'd manifest spiders crawling on the person, hanging around them and have them crawling in and out of her eye sockets. Etc...
If her victim succumbs to her torment she eats them, face first, and takes their voice.


If you do manage to escape you will live a very lucky life, when you do succumb to old age or other means she will appear and take your voice then as payment. If you are unlucky enough to see her Again after escaping you will die by means relating to your fear minutes to weeks after the sighting (hit by a car, bit by a spider, disease, shot, etc...) and she will collect your voice via your dying breath.

Anthro Version -


- When in a crowd she can pull the focus of her target to herself while causing anyone else in the area to not notice her leading to victims asking friends/strangers "who is that" and "did you see that" to which the reply is always "see what?" "there's no one there" and "I didn't see anything"

- immortal but can be "defeated" temporarily if her body is seriously maimed, crushed, or torn apart. Stabs and gunshots don't affect her at all but she likes to play dead to give false hope and enjoys "dying" in overly dramatic fashion.

- She's a mute killer in Slasher Film style but she can speak through phones and the occasional radio or walkie talkie. Like her feral counter part she can steal the voices of her victims and may use their voice to tease, manipulate, and confuse a target related to a previous kill.


- She will never attack children and will instead give them a sweet and a phone if they are old enough to understand the use of one and will give them instructions to hide in the voice of a loved one often saying something along the lines of "don't cry, you're safe, hide here until you see blue and red lights and then run to them. I love you."

- She will decorate the area in the bodies, parts, and innards of her victims and will take selfies with the bodies or dying victims. It's all fun and games to her.

- If police have not been contacted already an anonymous message will reach the nearest police station with pictures of the scene (often vomit inducing for an unsuspecting officer) and the address/location of the scene. There is no phone number available but instead a single :)

- If you defeat her once she'll give you a few years of peace, if you defeat her again you'll have earned your life and you'll be free from her unless you interfere with another killing which places you back on her hit list. This has only occurred once and is incredibly difficult to do. This defeat left her mask/face permanently marked via the axe that her defeater left in her face after annihilating the rest of her body.