I LOVE his ears!! They're a bit longer than normal, yes, but they are so wonderful! Does his family have similarly long ears, did he inherit it? Or is it something that kinda started with him? He is self-conscience of them, is this due to him being teased? You said that his sin is gluttony, so it has me curious - what's his favorite food? What out of his hairstyles is his favorite?

Oh gosh so many questions >///< originally he wasnt sure where he inherited his ears, but eventually he learned from his mother that they came from his father who hes never seen. So he can really only take her word for it. And yeah he did get teased and had them pulled once or twice but hes really just sensitive about his looks and his ears are just one of those things, but hed never illusion them away and hes slowly becoming more accepting of them.

Oh man his favorite food? Honestly bonbons >///< and barring that hes very fond of an elvish dish called requiya ((its made with fish and some light spices and citrus)) tho his sin comes from the fact that he consumes so much knowledge and is always searching for more.

Ruben: you know i get often asked about my hair from magazine reporters.... Or course im.always ready to talk fashion! Im very fond of my long locks, particularly when its worn loose with just a bit of la gennessic to give it some curl or braided in elvish fashion when i have time. But recently ive been thinking about getting in cut, ill be experimenting with some illusions before i make a decision on that though. //he laughs// right now my favorite styling is loose and free, but we shall see what the future brings!