Salvador Morales Rivera



4 years, 11 months ago


Full Name
Salvador Morales Rivera



26 (age when turned)










 Salvador is, despite appearances, incredibly laidback and carefree. He  seldom ever seeks out conflict with others, and is known to at times be a bit lazy. He works under Shiloh Rallen as a medical assistant who primarily practices phlebotomy, and he takes this task very seriously. He can sometimes come across as overly-friendly due to him trying to compensate for the fact that he assumes most humans fear him. He yearns to be liked by everyone and longs to establish new, meaningful friendships in his life. After spending years not being in close contact with many humans for longer than a blood draw, Salvador can seem a little awkward when he's getting to know someone. His fear of social rejection by humans is one that plagues him on a daily basis, and is almost entirely to blame for him being extra cautious around new people. 

 Despite being a creature that feasts on the blood of humans and other monsters, Salvador does not actively hunt for victims.  Instead, he uses his position as a phlebotomist to obtain the blood he needs to survive. He feels uncomfortable with harming others, and since he feels that it was due to his own carelessness that he was ever transformed, he avoids causing harm to humans as much as possible. The guilt post his transformation has also caused him to develop other habits, such as a reluctance to smile with his mouth open to avoid revealing his sharp teeth. He is often bothered that people are offset by his bizarre appearance.

 As far as romance goes,  Salvador has only had one partner in the past, and after things went sour with her he has been reluctant to allow himself to open up once more.









  • Talking to new people
  • Smoking weed
  • Helping others
  • Nighttime strolls
  • Naps
  • Aardvarks
  • Making origami


  • Gore
  • Being judged
  • Getting sick after eating human food
  • Drinking directly from humans


- his skin must be drawn with the sort of lilac hue depicted below.

- sclera of eyes must black

- in most instances, he does not smile while showing his teeth. if drawing with his mouth open, all of his teeth are very sharp and pointy with his upper and lower canines being the largest.


The value of a moment isn't known until it becomes a memory

Salvador Morales Rivera was born February 3rd as the middle child to a single mother. His presence was perpetually overshadowed by his straight-laced, perfectionistic older sister Lucia and fussy younger sister Maribel, a situation that granted him the privilege of getting away with many destructive behaviors. After all, the saying goes that the squeaky wheel is the one that gets the grease.

Sal was the class clown and troublemaker for most of his childhood. Although he was often capable of putting much more effort into his studies, Sal felt stifled by the schooling environment and often felt discouraged when ranked beside his peers. He also began to resent the life of a dedicated student, as he viewed his older sister Lucia's sacrifices for academia as excessive and not worth it.
Sal had many friends growing up and was regarded as one of the nicest people at his school. He was what one would consider 'popular', although he didn't have a specific crowd he tended to gravitate towards. He was always willing to extend a hand to those in need, and although he often found himself getting into shenanigans, it was scarcely ever at somebody else's expense. 

In his adolescent years, he developed a habit of skipping school entirely and began delving into the recreational use of drugs and alcohol. However, he never slipped into anything more severe than teenage curiosity.

Adulthood came too soon, and to Sal, the following expectations were anything but desirable. The idea of being tethered to a tedious job for the rest of his life seemed wholly unappealing, so much so that he resented anyone who tried to force that life onto him. While he worked odd jobs to assist with his family's bills, Sal was ultimately lost and needed a greater calling in life.

When mortal, Sal had found himself eagerly wandering off the well-beaten path paved by society, sirens of temptation sung to him an alluring melody only he could hear. They crooned promises of a life spent in endless frivolity and splendor, and this enchanting song meshed seamlessly with Sal's blithe disregard for the expectations of adulthood.

It's a peculiar kind of sorrow, this life with endless tomorrows...

A life that lasts forever is a life that is destined to become void of meaning. Each day is not a gift but a commodity when one lives forever. This sentiment is one that Sal has been living every day since being turned into a vampire. One night, after being in the wrong place at the wrong time, Sal was jumped by a small gang of what he thought were thugs. Initially assuming this was a mugging gone terribly wrong, the last thing on Sal's mind was that these would be the last moments of his human life -- let alone the beginning of a new one.

The attack had been vicious, four vampires tearing at his flesh and quite literally eating him alive. Thankfully for Sal, how he ended up within an inch of his life eludes his memory even to this day; that night for him is as difficult to recall as a nightmare. The feelings of fear remain, but the details are sparse. What is known, however, is that when he was mere minutes from death, he was saved by a wandering vampire named Evelyn Rowe.

 His entrails strewn across the concrete, Sal had little strength to resist the woman, who had at first come to finish him off. However, when he used the last of his strength to pitifully cling to her and beg for his life, something in the vampire changed. Whether she selfishly desired companionship or took pity on the young, dying human before her was unknown, but either way, her motivations led her to transform him into one of her own.

Shortly after his awakening, Evelyn took Sal into the care of Dr. Shiloh Rallen, a physician dedicated to curing humans and supernatural beings. His life as a newborn vampire was a rough one, but he showed a surprising amount of control over his blood lust. Although he was able to allay many of his vampiric tendencies, the greatest obstacle Sal faced was his inability to fully accept his new life and role in human society.

He was determined to cling to his humanity as much as possible, leading to him abstaining from feasting on the blood of humans entirely and going out of his way to appear harmless. Unfortunately, the prevalence of vampires in human society had to be relegated to hushed whispers -- lest there be an uprising against them. Shiloh informed Sal's family that he had died in a freak accident and that his body could not be recovered, a story that was all too easy for his loved ones to buy.

Despondent and heartbroken by his family's reaction to his death, Sal spent many months feeling depressed and alone. The most he could do for anyone was allow himself to be experimented on by Shiloh, who sought to find a cure for the so-called 'blood disease' causing his vampirism. Shiloh employed Sal as a phlebotomist at his clinic to take advantage of his blood-seeking abilities. It was a job that he had a knack for, one that he could perform with extreme efficiency and precision. It gave him an avenue to humanely obtain blood, and he finally had a career in which he felt a fair degree of passion.

However, very few of Shiloh's patients tolerated Sal for longer than a blood draw, and having a cranky doctor as his sole companion was rather tiresome. Although his relationship with Evelyn brought him some happiness, she grew tired of his loyalty to Shiloh and viewed his employment as imprisonment. She warned that no matter how hard Sal may try, he will never be able to fully integrate back into human society, and attempting to suppress his more animalistic instincts will never work. Their relationship began devolving into a toxic dynamic marked by Evelyn's increasing violence towards Sal for refusing to bend to her will. She felt strongly that Sal should abandon his work with Shiloh and embrace a life of freedom and power that could be granted by his vampirism. Through the storm of complicated emotions that shaped their bond, Evelyn and Sal did have genuine feelings of love for one another, and it was often this affection that clouded Sal's judgment and encouraged him to excuse many of the woman's troubling behaviors.

Unfortunately for Sal, Evelyn was right about his inability to stave off his blood lust forever. Sal had spent the first year or so of his life as a vampire consuming minute volumes of blood, a feat that was at one point considered impossible for newborns to accomplish. However, all it took was one slip-up to nearly ruin his life. After savagely feasting on the fresh corpses of monster attack victims, Sal panicked and blamed the attack on Evelyn. Seeing her as a threat, Shiloh ousted Evelyn's identity as a vampire to the town, which led to her being the target of a witch hunt. Knowing Sal was at fault for the affair, Evelyn vowed to seek revenge on him for his cowardice and betrayal.

After the two parted ways, Sal devoted himself to his work as a phlebotomist and continued to do his best to retain a sense of normalcy. To this day, his greatest wish is to find a companion who does not judge him for his current life state, someone to give these monotonous days more meaning.


  • His purple skin, large eyes with dark sclera, and bat-like ears are all features he gained once being transformed into a vampire. He views himself as unattractive due to these attributes.
  • Although it's no longer required of him, Sal loves to sleep. He is not able to exactly enter the state of unconsciousness he was as a human, but he's still able to get some restorative effects from it.
  • He can still consume minute amounts of human food, but excess consumption will result in regurgitation.
  • He works under Shiloh Rallen.
  • He has never fed directly on a human before; all the blood he obtains is done through drawing extra blood from consenting patients.
  • In low-light conditions, Sal's tapetum lucidum causes his eyes to reflect back some of the light they absorb. This creates an eerie, glowing effect. Much like you'd see of a cat. This gives him superior night vision.
  • His favorite animal is an aardvark, his favorite color is orange, and his favorite genre of music is indie rock.


Shiloh Rallen [ employer/friend ] 

Shiloh and Sal have a love-hate relationship. At times, Shiloh finds Sal to be extremely lazy and irritating. However, Shiloh views Sal to be an invaluable asset to keeping his clinic aloft and commends him on the proficiency of his work. Despite his cranky and somewhat stand-offish demeanor, Salvador does appreciate some aspects of Shiloh and feels indebted to him for giving him a place to stay and a steady job.

Len Foli [ love interest / boyfriend / best friend ] 

Len and Sal met under rather traumatic conditions with Sal assisting in Len's treatment after a horrific attack by another vampire. Despite this, the two formed a very close bond and became close friends. However, there was a great deal of strain put on their blossoming friendship when Len entered an unhealthy relationship with Shiloh. A friends with benefits kind of ordeal, Shiloh had no qualms using Len for sexual gratification and Len's tolerance of his continued mistreatment upset Sal. At the same time, Sal found himself forming feelings for Len.

Evelyn Rowe [ former love interest ] 

Evelyn was the woman responsible for turning Salvador into a vampire. In the early days of his awakening, Sal suffered from severe depression and initially wished to die rather than live as a monster. Evelyn was the one who renewed his faith in life, but what began as a wholesome bond would soon devolve into emotional and physical abuse. Evelyn flexed her will over Sal like many others in his life, but her reactions to his refusal to abide by her demands were much more extreme. Their relationship would fully fracture when Sal blamed her for the decimation of several human corpses under Shiloh's care. This betrayal would lead to Evelyn being chased from the town she resided in and her identity as a vampire ousted. As a result, Evelyn became determined to kill Sal. Her goals for his murder served the dual purpose of both revenge and for giving her a boost in power that would enable her to slay her own vampire progenitor.