


8 years, 2 days ago



Name Yevia
Designer Polaris-Rose
Gender Female
ObtainedIn a trade with tangledivyy
Significant Other None
Rules Gift, readopt, or trade only
Species Kiamara

RoleIce Skater


  • Masterlist
  • Parents: First gen (Adopt)
  • Breedings: None
  • Traits:  
     All Common Traits

Yevia is a rather cold and emotionless individual, who's passion lies in intricate and careful ice skating performances. She says it's the only time she truly feels alive, and truly- her behavior will easily corroborate that. She's very self-isolating and reserved, only really finding solace in silence and solitude, but her personality truly blooms when able to do the thing she loves. 

She's impeccably focused and observant to the world around her, easily able to understand the smallest details of the emotions of someone else and pick up on signs that plenty others will have missed. This focus aids her well in her pursuit of her sport. Since its the one thing she feels utterly drawn to, her tunnel-visioned focus on all things related to it can often make her frustrating to others to be around and she's often scolded with the common warning of remembering her life outside of it- to which she's disinterested at best. 

She can have a mean side, and can get aggressive with those who stick their noses too far in her business. She's been betrayed before in her past and it makes her reluctant to trust those who are too friendly or let them into the spaces she's so carefully cultivated as her own.


  • She loves cold weather, it reminds her of skating
  • She designs most of her own outfits
  • She always has very muted expressions

Yevia grew up as the daughter of a middle-class owner of a small shop. Her family was in a bad neighborhood, leading to criminals frequently stealing and threatening them, and drawing in the attention of the local gangs that demanded money for her family's safety. She made the mistake in her youth of trusting one of the members with her heart, which he roundly broke and left her in the gutter after threatening her father and taking away all she had. This has turned her aloof, cold, and bitter, and she refuses to discuss her past with anyone.

She originally turned to ice skating as an outlet for her therapy, a way to distract herself from the looming feeling of dread she was never able to shake again. She however, found a passion and adoration in it, and has made a good name for herself as a performer. With her moderate finances she's taken herself as far away from her old life as she can get, and has zero desire to return.

She isn't afraid to test the limits, and though she can be socially withdrawn, she is strong willed and has proven very determined to follow her passion.


  • Ice skating
  • Scarves (She collects them)
  • Being alone
  • Practicing

  • Failure
  • Unwanted company
  • Being put on the spot
  • Hot weather/summer

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.
