mirza's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Kurwa Global Rules

Link to my t.o.s.

1. Please credit me for the creator of the design! Unless it's a closed species - credit the CS creator and me as the designer. This should go without saying.
note regarding redesigns: you can add the redesign artist to the designer credits! altough if the design is redesigned beyond recognition i suggest just trading/selling the design!

2. If you get a design for free - you CAN'T trade or sell the design. But! The "free" label gets taken off when you get extra art of them. If the art comes from a trade - you can only trade the design, if the art was made by you or bought, you can resell the design. 

3. Traded designs can only be sold if there's extra personal or paid art.
note regarding commissioned art: you can only include the commission price to the design IF the commission was finished. If the commission wasn't started/finished - ask to change the character or wait with sale.

4. If there's a case of emergency - you can contact me about selling the design for a higher price. If I see you selling my design for more than it's worth without having contacted me prior it will result in a blacklist. You can get taken off the blacklist when you fix this issue!

5. When adding personal art to the value please let the possible buyers know what's the worth of the character without the personal art added! 

6. When it comes to commercial rights - for now I'm an unpopular artist, so I don't mind at all as long as you credit me!

7. If you BLOCK ME and OWN my design - I WILL REVOKE THE RIGHTS TO THIS DESIGN. If you want me to give you back the rights to the design or allow me to pay for the design - then unblock me and talk to me. That also puts you on my public blacklist. If someone buys/trades a design from those users they will be contacted and I will discuss what to do. (this rule is only inapplicable to CS designs as CS rules are above my own rules.)
UPDATE: If after a month you do NOTHING about the revoked design I have take full right to that design and I can do anything I want with it.

Users that I know that have blocked me while owning my designs:
37564 - !!They have my approval of reselling my design for how much they want as it's considered an emergency.!!