


4 years, 11 months ago


Name: Louise 

gender: female

age: 17

species: cat bear 


personality: super chill and relaxed, doesnt get stressed easily, kinda dumb but tries her best, outgoing, friendly, extroverted. She's always there to back up her friends and help people out, but she'll probably die by accident if left alone. Her friends keep her from doing stupid/dangerous stuff and if she's ever in a pickle, someones always there to help her out. She's good at listening and gives good advise, but feels uncomfortable in high emotion situations. She's a friend to everyone and kinda popular, even though quite a few people find her outgoing-ness and relaxed personality annoying

likes: silly stuff, comedians, acting, hanging out with friends, birds and bugs, doodling, caprisuns, tEA, cool crafty stuff, video games

dislikes: emotional stuff, drama (only when she's involved), math, reading, water, being alone


important info: æ

powers: nah