


4 years, 11 months ago


krypict was born in a big cave with a lot of rooms surrounded by leaves and plants. krypict parents would stay inside in the garden tending to the flowers plants and injured animals. while krypict and his older brother ventures out of the castle. krypict adores adventuring with his older brother since to him his older brother is his idol and who he wants to be when he grows up. he as his older brother would search for plants that looked wilted and help them look fresh and brand new. they would also find animals that are injured and carry them to there parents who help tend to the animal and plant. he usually wears a longleaf cape painted with white patterns on it. he likes to go out with his cape as it helps his confidence, he would like to go to a gardening place and purchase plants to whom he adds to his family garden.  when he meets those that are going through some tough times he would spend the day helping the person cope through it by supporting them. krypict moved out when he was an adult and lived in a gardening shop tending to his plants and flowers. he'll send his money to his parents when they need it.

krypict  is a dad of  a nyn called astaros