


4 years, 11 months ago


name lichenfall
age 19 moons
gender cis female
sexuality bisexual
alignment chaotic neutral
rank warrior
status inactive




  • Mother - Rosedapple - alive
  • Father - Firefang - alive
  • Brother - Foxfoot - alive
  • Brother - Robinwing - deceased
  • Mentor - Fennelflight - alive
  • Ex-mate - Quailcloud - alive
  • Daughter - Daisykit - deceased



Lichenfall is a cat with short, but soft fur. She is a tortishell with very little white on her. White splotches appear on her chest and paws. Her build is very petite and short, but strong. She has a short, fluffy tail and rounded ears. Her eyes are a bright greenish-yellow.

Lichenfall is a fiery she-cat with a very big attitude and is often very vocal about her own thoughts and opinions. She finds it difficult to hold her tongue during certain situations, though she may not be the most informed on the subject. Being relatively young, Lichenfall can come across as immature. She has an inflated sense of self and is known to stretch the truth and exaggerate. Despite her obnoxious and boisterous behavior, Lichenfall can often become embarrassed relatively quickly.



  • decorating
  • warm nests
  • stories
  • flowers


  • being alone
  • climbing
  • call outs
  • rabbits


Lichenfall’s upbringing was fairly normal. Her parents were ill prepared for kits in their aging years and elected to pass them along to the other nursing queens in the clan. Rosedapple and Firefang would often visit their kits, but the visits were short and forced. Both Lichenfall’s parents were high achievers, both working to better their clan and climb the ranks. They were far more absorbed in their own lives than the lives of their children and as the kits became older and older, their visits became few and far between. The young Lichenkit soon grew annoyed with her parents and elected to ignore them completely during each of their visits, instead playing with the queens who had stayed to raise her. Lichenkit was very close to both her brothers, the three of them getting into plenty of trouble in their young years.

This mischievous behavior of the three did not die down in their apprenticeships and the three siblings soon became the terror of Cliffclan. Practical jokes and pranks soon encompassed the clan and punishments were dolled out accordingly. It seemed as if there was no stopping the three even as they neared their warrior status. However, as her apprenticeship drew on, Lichenpaw was less interested in shenanigans with her brothers and had found an interest in a particular tom. The newly made warrior Quailcloud hadn’t piqued Lichenpaw’s interest while he was an apprentice, however, the molly's sudden infatuation could not be quelled. The molly soon became completely enamored with the smooth talking warrior and Lichenpaw quickly dropped much of her serades with her brothers to spend more and more time with Quailcloud. She elected to spend her days trailing after Quailcloud on patrols and gossiping rather than training with her brothers.

Both Robinpaw and Foxpaw were hurt by their sister's dismissal and argued that she should spend more time with the other apprentices to complete her training. Lichenpaw told them they were only jealous of her relationship with Quailcloud and to leave her alone. Robinpaw and Foxpaw did just that. The two brothers quickly grew apart from their sister and focused more on their training, earning their warrior names of Foxfoot and Robinwing far before Lichenpaw was through with her own training. Finally, a few moons after her brothers, Lichenpaw recieved her warrior name of Lichenfall and eagerly joined Quailcloud in various warrior duties. Soon after Lichenfall’s ceremony, she and Quailcloud were expecting kits. The young tom was appalled at the thought of having kits so young. He wanted nothing to do with Lichenfall and the kits and insisted she never reveal who their father was. Heartbroken, Lichenfall agreed to keep his identity from the kits. She figured her kits shouldn’t want to know the name of the tom who abandoned them and vowed to never speak of him again.

Despite the tom’s rejection, Lichenfall was excited to become a mother. She had fond memories of the nursery and of the queens that raised her. Lichenfall had looked forward to having someone who would love her unconditionally. The young molly didn’t wish for her kits to view her as she viewed her own mother and threw herself into the duties of a queen. She learned everything there was to learn about being a queen from those in the nursery. From feeding to educating, the expecting molly embraced the day to day life of a queen. Lichenfall watched the kits in the nursery while their mother’s stretched their legs, enjoying the time she got to spend with other kits. Before she was even a few weeks pregnant, Lichenfall had already made her own nest in the nursery and had been staying there continuously.

As the due date grew nearer, the young Lichenfall grew restless. The queens she had been staying with offered advise of leaving camp to find somewhere private to kit. Though she had never witnessed a kitting herself, Lichenfall was confident in her ability and knowledge and took the queens’ advice. She trekked through the rocky territory in search of the perfect spot to bring her kits into the world. It took her far longer than she thought and Lichenfall finally settled on the very outskirts of Cliffclan territory, further than she'd ever gone. The kitting was long and arguous and Lichenfall had wished she stayed in camp in the company of her new friends. It became all too apparent she was not ready for any of this. Lichenfall gave birth to a single kit. The kit had a brilliant white pelt and Lichenfall was certain it was a sign from Starclan of a happy life. Eager to get her new kit back to camp, Lichenfall set out on her journey. The trek back took far longer than the molly realized and panic soon overtook the new mother. Despite her earlier relief of her white kit, Lichenfall could now see her daughter was weak and frail; far too young to be so far from home. She would need to be seen by the medicine cat, but the clan seemed like seasons away. Exhausted by the long journey and the agonizing birth, the journey home took hours: precius time she and her kit didn't have. Upon arriving home, Lichenfall cried out for the queens and medicine cats to come help her kit. However, her daughter was already gone. Grief for her daughter who didn’t get to live overtook Lichenfall and the queens of the nursery soon gathered the younger molly into their midsts and helped Lichenfall pick a name for her kit. They settled on Daisykit.

Lichenfall returned to her warrior duties, desperate to put her mate and kit behind her. After her ordeal, Lichenfall's brothers offered their support and the three siblings were once again inseparable. Though not as immature and excitable as they had been in their younger years, Robinwing and Foxfoot ensured their sister felt loved and safe within the clan once again. The brothers were very protective of Lichenfall, especially when Quailcloud was around. The tom remained in the clan, unbothered by the heartbroken stares he would get from the young molly. The death of his kit, though plagued his ex-mate’s mind, hardly crossed his own. In order to distract Lichenfall from the tom, Robinwing and Foxfoot often took their sister out hunting. On one trip, the siblings decided to cross the Sunclan border in search of a rabbit, the idea of their clan mates excitement at the find enough to drive their plan forwards. Lichenfall was all too eager to have something else to occupy her thoughts and boldly entered into Sunclan territory, quickly killing a small rabbit. Before Lichenfall could return to her territory with the prey, however, a small Sunclan patrol spotted her.

The young molly, terrified, attempted to flee back to the safety of her clan’s land, but hardly stood a chance against the much faster Sunclanners and was soon cornered. Robinwing and Foxfoot quickly came to Lichenfall’s defense once the chase was over. Foxfoot, with moons of practice delegating and diffusing tense situations, seemed to have won the favor of the patrol and soon were on their way. However, Robinwing couldn’t help but give a snide remark as they passed through the throngs of Sunclanners. A fight between Robinwing and the warrior quickly broke out and before Foxfoot or Lichenfall could come to their brother’s aid, the Sunclan patrol had killed the young tom.

Lichenfall was desperate to get justice for her fallen brother, but they had been in the wrong. Sunclan, as well as any other clan, may kill any who trespass on their land if they so choose. The Cliffclan leader of the time punished both Lichenfall and Foxfoot for their trespassing, yet the loss of their sibling had been the greatest punishment of all.

  • Playlist

  • Pretty Head
  • Liability
  • I Like That
  • Consideration