Marco Kuusik



9 years, 4 months ago



NameMarco Kuusik
Nickname Marc
Species Anthro Rabbit
Significant Other SO
Gender  Male
World Info/lore World info
Height 5'7
Build  Scrawny
Role  Role
RulesNone provided
Obtained Bought from squid for 1000 points
Designer jarfly

Marco is a small guy with a huge personality, and a huge heart. He's usually running his mouth (which most certainly gets him into trouble) but you can always count on him to be honest and genuine and ALWAYS speak his mind. If you're his friend- he'll give you crap for everything, but despite picking on you, he'll most certainly be there for you through thick and thin. This applies to his friends- but admirably to strangers too. He believes that no matter what someone's done- they're a person who deserves someone there when they need them. Even if they deserve what they got- it doesn't mean someone can't still treat them like a person. Heroic, maybe, but its only because he's been abandoned by a lot of people in his life and it's his way of sticking one up on "Whatever god is out there". "Not gonna let you get them, life! Not another person left in the dust!".

He is bilingual, speaking English and Spanish. He curses like a sailor in Spanish- but never in English, a weird quirk of his. He grew up in a hispanic household, the youngest of three children, and as a result was always sort of bullied growing up. His family was a close, but unfortunate one. They never had much and didn't get too far, but they were happy with what they had, and Marco is too. He's content with the little things, and the little successes, but as a result he never really aspired to be very much either.

He works at an art store making custom frames for artwork, and spends his free time gaming or just...wandering. He'll pick a direction and see where he ends up. Most of the time- he ends up lost. Obviously. It never stopped him though, and he's made plenty of great stories through it. He's just kind of an adventurer at his roots.

He never did super well at school and struggles a lot with reading. He barely graduated high school. He did however, excel in math (Which is how he got his current job, really), and enjoys calculating stats in video games (He's partial to MMOs).

He barely ever brushes his hair and it's usually a bit of a mess. Same with his clothes.


Integrity ★★★★


Wandering, meeting new people

Numbers and organizing, calculations, they make sense to him

Music he can vibe to. Usually electronic of some sort

MMOs (lots of stats and numbers...lots of new people)


Being called out on his difficulty reading

Seeing bad things happen to good people

People left alone/outcast

Suits. He hates stuffy formal clothes and settings

Loyal  -  Earnest  - Non-ambitious  -  Supportive  -  Weak-willed  -  Insecure

Marco is a guy who's loyal to a fault. He'll never abandon someone, even at the cost of his own well-being. He'll put himself in danger for others because he has a strong philosophy that everyone's lives and happiness are important, even at the expense of his own, and he struggles to put himself first even when he truly should. He's honest and down to earth, and doesn't ever try to be anything more than who he is in the moment. He's genuine and tries to be proud of himself even if he hasn't actually accomplished anything because he tries to appreciate each day and what life brings with it.

Because he lives in the moment, he's notoriously nonambitious with his life. He never really had any big dreams or goals, and mostly just strives to make every day count. He doesn't care about being rich or famous or anything like that and never had motive to try and rise through the ranks. He's content just being himself and seeing where that takes him in life. Some accuse him of being lazy because of this, but it's less a factor of being lazy than it is that his passion lies in the present and not the future.

He struggles with some insecurities about his inability to read well, especially as it applies to his gaming habits, and is terribly embarrassed about it. He's made efforts to try to improve this with little actual result. He also isn't much of a fighter, and though he'll stand up for people, he has very little motive to stand up for himself. He never really has a spine when it comes to an attack on himself.








  • Extremely passionate when given the motive of defending others. He can find strength he didn't even know he had, and will always get up to fight again when someone else's safety is on the line.
  •  He's a rabbit-and (Therefore) good at jumping and pretty good at fleeing when necessary. He's quite quick on his feet.
  •  He has very little in the way of fears and isn't easily intimidated (as long as someone else is the one in danger)


  • Has little desire to stand up for himself, someone else has to be in harms way for him to really engage in a fight or do anything more than defend himself or retreat
  •  He is scrawny and doesn't hold muscle well, he probably won't hurt anybody unless he gets a good kick on them
  •  Doesn't have a good sense of self preservation and when fighting for others will quickly push himself beyond his limits
  •  Lack of experience, he isn't a fighter

Math smarts

Marco is good at math and calculations, and good with numbers. He's better suited to organizing these than a real fight.

Strong kicks

Being a rabbit- Marco has pretty strong legs. His muscles aren't much to speak of because he doesn't really work out- but all his walking keeps his legs in pretty good shape.




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ornare interdum massa, dignissim commodo ipsum dapibus et. Nullam venenatis nunc a tortor consequat, sed efficitur risus bibendum. Integer rhoncus cursus interdum. Duis tincidunt urna at elit mattis condimentum. Vivamus nec interdum tortor, eget fermentum diam. Nunc aliquam pulvinar quam vitae ullamcorper. Aliquam eu arcu at justo rutrum accumsan. Nullam eget felis sit amet eros convallis tincidunt dapibus non orci. Duis quis velit venenatis odio malesuada gravida non nec tellus. Nulla eget turpis quis nulla suscipit malesuada.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ornare interdum massa, dignissim commodo ipsum dapibus et. Nullam venenatis nunc a tortor consequat, sed efficitur risus bibendum. Integer rhoncus cursus interdum. Duis tincidunt urna at elit mattis condimentum. Vivamus nec interdum tortor, eget fermentum diam. Nunc aliquam pulvinar quam vitae ullamcorper. Aliquam eu arcu at justo rutrum accumsan. Nullam eget felis sit amet eros convallis tincidunt dapibus non orci. Duis quis velit venenatis odio malesuada gravida non nec tellus. Nulla eget turpis quis nulla suscipit malesuada.




[ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit  amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer  interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.



[ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.



[ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.