Kiyama Shuuya



4 years, 11 months ago


Name: Kiyama Shuuya(Aka Kiya)




Crush:" A crush? someone like me? its not possible." (open/none)

Alliance: None really, but is labeled a villain 

Hero/Villain name: Kuro

Personality: Kiyama appears to be your normal boy who has a big love for ramen. He’s a nice guy when you first meet him, very easy going and easy to talk to, well..sometimes easy to talk to. Kiya can be a worry wart, often gets his self stressed out over almost anything. Although he’s not allowed to get frustrated or upset, it’s hard for him to keep his self in check thanks to having a isolated life. Since he’s unable to enter the outside world much, Kiya keeps his mind off other things by spending most of his time on the internet or playing games(even if he’s really bad at them). Even if hes a swell guy and all, Kiya can be sarcastic and ill-spirited sometimes. He’s not scared to people how he feels, making him blunt. Despite this, he can there are times when he can submissive, but only to females really. His short temper is really dangerous and trigger his quirk, making him change into “Kuro.” Speaking of Kuro he’s much more aggressive, cruel,merciless, and destructive...but the calmest person you’ll ever meet. Despite his current situation, despite his “curse” Kiyama tries his best to push forward and stay hopeful that one day he’ll beable to walk alongside others and when he does, it's going to be a little awkward for him

Quirk: Kiya's quirk is called switch, alot of people including his self call it the quirk of a demon. His quirk allows him to switch into his alter ego "Kuro", a much faster, stronger, and durable version of his self. Since Kiya doesn't have control over his quirk, he doe his best to contain it. He can use this quirk when hes very upset, frustrated or angry. Kiya's quirk is extremely dangerous and powerful, but it does have a weakness. He can easily change back with a sleeping quirk, being unconscious, or shocked. 

Other: Due to causing a big tragedy and other trouble, Kiya is to stay locked away in a place ran by the government. There, they provide education, food, entertainment, etc