


8 years, 1 day ago


This is my Knovei child, Ambrose which is short for Ambrosia. He is based off of a gel-like potion called Eternal Sleep. The ingredients include: Bat Wings, Human blood, The Jingle of a cursed bell, and the rest is unknown. The Gel, his eyes, and (unfortunetly) his nipples glow in the dark. thats why his gel legs look like that. (I forgot to do the details to the Jar and his eyes too.)

He is Full out Gay can't take no girl (he is actually extremely shy of girls) and he is single Ambrose is a very drowsy character and tends to fall asleep in the weirdest positions or at random times. (like a cat) He is very angelic and sweet while he is drowsy or half asleep. He is so sweet that it is questioned sometimes if one of his ingredients involve Honey or Sugar. He is not actually meant to be completely awake because if he is then he is highly Sassy and mean. He is like an angry Sassy Bear when he is completely awake so it would be best to get as far away from him as possible when he is wide awake.

He is mostly found around dark or warm and soft places like sleeping inside a tree or in an animal den for warmth. he is known to be taken by some wickedly evil humans. For Example: Snow white had a taste of him from her stepmother who had him. Sometimes people take a small taste of his gel just because they either don't believe what the bottle says or because they want to sleep for Eternity. When sleeping the person does not age and the only way to wake up is by true love's kiss of course it just means that they will age twice as fast after being under the Eternal Sleep.

Anyways, I just made Chibis of him because I don't know if I will be able to finish his normal version by thursday.

Knovei belong to HauntedJynx This character was designed by Me You may not use this design in any way whatsoever. He is my precious child. Gelfei-Botanica