
4 years, 11 months ago


Name      "Magalank"
Alias         Maga/General Scaley
Age          35
Birthday  06.10.2018
Gender    Male
Birthplace  Gosauzwang (Laboratory with Milo)
Height     1m87
Created   07.01.2017
Race        Hn
S. Orientation
Occupation   General of the Special Force on Planet Gama

"Keep your friends close, your enemies closer."


  •  Trainingsessions
  • Accuracy on his weapons and maintaince
  •  Flowers
  •  Dancing

Dislikes and Fear´s

  • )Traitors and lying
  • X mosquitos
  • X 


  • Sniping
  • Firegun Knowledge
  • Martial arts
  • Strategy
  • Skilled with flowers (he has a "green thumb" to it
  • can dance and sing
  • plays piano on occassion


  • Usually seen in his full cover "Suit" when on missions, the helmet always covering his face
  • H
  • H
  • H


With Maga beeing created, his origin family were reptiles and he never got to know them. The genetical family he calls his dear family (with Milo and Mira)
Otherwise he has King Makumba as his "adoptive father" and the alien who rescued him Topas who cares dearly for him.


First created as a doodle on paper in 07.01.2017 and Revamp/ design in 06.10.2018

General Magalank (Not his real name since he hides it) was created in a laboratory on Planet Pangea in the old Gosauzwang underground section."Created" by a woman named "Vivian Smith" (not her real name).  Who used Alienreptile d.n.a and human d.n.a as well as a small part of Shift genetic. 

Been experimented on long lasting genetical procedures from birth to childhood.

As he was a kid, he managed to flee from there after discovering the truth what the "evil one" (Vivian) is planing. But got caught the first time. His genetical "Brother" Milo and "sister"Mira had no idea what would happen and thought he was gone. (they are not his actual siblings since all three were created differently and from different types of reptile/alien.But since all three survived and were around the same time they are family. 

Held in the lower labs and experimented on (since Vivian was seeking for an ultimate genetical withstand against any disease and make humans live longer and not age) he went through alot. Understandable his hatred for Vivian and those who are part of her  team.

It was as he was a teen (around 14) finally got free'd by another scientist who died shortly after for his betrayel that Maga swore to get stronger and come back to get revenege and free his siblings. Took aboard a charting ship on the way to the Planet Gamalank and did all he could to stay and get a new I.D. Was then taken under King Makumba s "wings" (scales at that) as his "son" and could get into  the Special Force unit, where he teamed up later with Derrick (a white tiger). 

Maga became the top one. General in a year and serious. Perfected his sniping and strategy skills and did his research. Lead the first safe travel to manage peace with a nearby alienrace. 

Known to rarely smile and be direct. Maga does have a soft spot. A time where he fell in love with a female Martian (Human who moved to modern Mars) and with that had a child. Didnt go well as later was revealed she only needed money and the accusion he hid his true self. 


He now lives on the Planet Gamalank (17 hours from Pangea and a big collected place with many species) His apartment is one of the main Areas and has an amazing view. Only his partner knows how it looks and the white tiger is very loyal to him.

To him:

Maga has a genetical cycle going on. Kind of like females on their period as to say. Once a month for 4 days he transforms  into his human self (fault of experimentation from Vivian) which also  occurs at the same time it' s mating flow. His part reptile species  (Alienreptile that is) mates once a month. So Maga has  his human form and falls more on the emotional side. The softer side as  he calls it. A type of soft drunk and flirty mode. While also beeing able to "enjoy" life, more happy. He regrets beeing so open after every turn. Especially since his smell sense is strong.

While close ones know how he looks, he usually walks around in the "armor" suit. Closed up uniform when on duty. (the helmet and such) as he is a lil' ashamed on the colors. (His natural skin/scaley colors) Even though Derrick once told him that it didn't matter. 

The "Human" Maga

While he undergoes his cycle as he calls it "the squishy side" he has a humanoid form. This form he used to get into the Team as well as not to let any cover go under and many say that this "Special Agent" has more skilled luck than a firework.
His human side is more loosened, more fun to hang around with. A complete opposite of a usual serious toned General. This  General is fun to be around with, explains his wisdom in a hell of a fun way you want to learn and takes part in many things. A reason so many fall for him (male and female) and where he get´s quite around with. He still has his accurancy and precision and never misses his targets or combats, but its more on the fun side and you wouldn´t expect him to be "THE MAGA".
His human side he calls himself Calvin.
Very protective of others and hangs around with his Tiger friend Derrick who knows his real side and secret.

The genetical wereMaga 

A fun lil take on "were" form as when too many things get to Maga (in his normal reptile form) overwelming, his genetics burst a bit and he gets this huge reptile form (Derrick casually called him Godzilla like) as he does take up a much larger form and the alienspecies part of him the original. A terryfiying and dangerous creature at that. Not many have witnessed and not many survive as his werform does devour enemies.  Something Maga hides and only Derrick and Doc Lobotny know of. Still trying to this day to keep the form at bay.



  •  Maga has long range weapons to keep anyone far from him as well as to get enemies out before they do. A specific long range custom weapon he get's way later from Valerie which he treasures dearly.
  • Has sharp keen eyes and strong sense of smell. (sometimes too strong as parfume and such trigger his senses and he sneezes- his sneezes sound almost like a squeeky toy)
  • keeps a small pistol he got from his human savior from the labs who had died and still has the one bullet in. Keeping for when he get's his revenge on Vivian.
  • later finds his "brother" Milo and a lil' more calmer
  • When speaking he has a direct sense and a huge variation on words. Sounding smart as well as is.
  • Reads books (wears now and then glasses) and gains more knowledge. Secretley enjoys mystery and romance but shhh.

Relationships/Friends/Allies/Love and Enemies

The meeting and flow with Val

It had started as Maga got the info to look after a suspect involved in the crimes of Vivian, to which he immedietly said yes. Along with an alien Agent, both trevelled down to Pangea and having to watch over Val -Age 19 (back then her deckname Leonore and her real name Abigail, as Val is her second incognito name). As Maga could smell and sense the female (since daughter of Vivian) he was set on finding out more. Throughout the story he gathers info, see's how she reacts and is convinced she will do the same her mother did.

Time passes, around 5 months as he had evidence after they stumbled upon the Underground lab. (Val, Milo, Sabrina, Alien Agent and Maga at that day) with the info he had, he planned. 

As things got cleared by more evidence of the creation on "Sol" who attacked and trial with all held on Planet Gamalank, the case was dropped as Val was innocent. With travel back to home, Maga accompanied her and had other plans. Because for him she tricked them all and hated seeing her get away. Clearly believing she is on par with Vivian. On the big statue in the city, both had a talking moment where Maga then revealed what he would do. Confrontation as Val and him talked and almost escalated as he had planned to kill her so she wouldn't turn like her mother. But turned out to be completley different. Ashamed of what he wanted to do, Val (Abigail) offered a peacemaking. Both made a jump (in modern jumpsuits) from the top of the Statue over the city. Not only having a peaceful moment but to get the stress off. And a sort of new beginning. 

After this Val and Maga became friends. While Maga still remained serious and  "stiff" he did slowly but surely warm up to Val. Now and then an "amused" eyebrow tilt, smirk or even a happy lil tailwag. Even "excited" whenever she came off that travelling ship to the planet to visit. 

This happens way later as well as Val had snuck up on a mission to support the peacemaking. Having to watch over her and undercover her as one of the soldiers. Maga wasn't amused but surely impressed as she had taken care of some wounded (with her vet reptile knowledge) as well as maintain and make things as a modern Smith. Seeing that she was capable to defend for herself even. Maga and her had a talkative moment on the past at the campfire. Getting to know each other a lil' more. 

With peace at hand the species, mission over and a talk, Maga returned to his job as the General of the Gamalanks special force unit. 

With frankly visits to the smithing area on Gamalank and visiting indirect Val. 

It wasn't until the yearly and a week long Love Festival (imagine like a geek/Anime con but with 18+ themes and such) on Gamalank, that the two got closer. Set up by their friends (Derrick with Maga and Henati with Val) getting into a "blind date" of 24 hours lovebash. Spending the next day together around the festival and both feeling awkward about it.  But somewhat intreged as it did open door's for them. Even a slight and sweet kiss moment on the cheek. Leaving at that as Maga felt..uneasy  (genetical cycle) leaving her at the Bar alone. The next day not saying  anything as Val planned to not attend and rather work and train. Having used the training room of the generals, seeing Val and approaching her in his human form. The two sparr and get close, but visible that Val want's nothing of it and worried on Maga as he "was called in sick" and  thinking he wanted to avoid her as well. 

With the concert and  smut going on, he leaves her to go with her friend as he decides to get drunk. Unsure if the feelings he has are true or rather due to festival and cycle. Val gathers him (in a male form due to a scenery) up as he was drunk on the side, complained how he got rejected by two other females. Waking up in Vals Appartment, getting picked up by Derrick and later confronted by his best friend to so what his heart tells him. 

At the dancebar at evening, talking with Derrick how best to approach Val.  Going over, talking and both even dance and share a soft kiss as Val found out who he was. (This is still in human form) He leaves the Bar and heads to his Appartement. Thinking. 

Not much was known after. A year later, all was calm, as a scenery occured (read the story in folder for that)

After that, both got together and were a pretty good team with Derrick on missions now and then. Maga opening up a lil'more and even smiling more.  5 months later a scenery occured where it would turn their fate around. (Hence the Parasite mission)


His best friend and closest. This white big tiger is an excellent combat pro and close range. Meeting Maga as he had joined to be part of the Unit, was the first and only to befriend this serious and stubborn skilled one. Trusting as much as knowing Magas real self from where he comes from and more. Derrick is the one to go with all around. 

From competitive and supportive friend as well as the one who talks to Maga to open up a lil more. Maga trusts Derrick fullest and would let him get through almost anything when they are in combo (rarely open but under each other pretty ok )
Originally both met not in the Special Unit but cantine.
It was one of Maga´s travels as the Special Unit was forming together and the General could pick his team.
In a small lil restaurant on Pangea, a fight had broken out after Maga had chatted with the tiger (complimenting the delicious food he had recieved) Derrick at the time was an excellent cook.
With the fight breaking out, Derrick had proven to be very helpful holding them off and even negotiating. Proving to be very good on peaceful agenda.
Maga saw huge potential in Derrick and offered the tryouts for Special Unit.
With the tiger at first not thinking he was suitable, giving it a chance and succeding. With his decision to join.

Ex Wife

This martian lady had met Maga in his human form long before as he was a "rookie" at the Unit and she at the time was back as a nurse. A  "classical" part time love story one would think as she had supported.
The lovefestival was also where the two came closer, messed around and became a couple (resolting in a child that is very cute -named Brezziana-but.. meant for others as the mother had taken alot of savings from Magas Account and partly without him knowing)

This came fully clear as Maga one day went with Abby/Val to Pangea (at first to observe but seeing how she was helpful) getting a gift for his kid and girlfriend at the time.  Noticing his bank account was sucked and couldnt pay (which led Val to pay for) As they arrived back on Gamalank, stumbling into Heather and the reasoning. He remained calm outside as she said she clearly didnt like the real him and she was "tricked" and that the money was theirs to share in the first place for the kid (never was which was a lie as she had an older kid as well who was from another guy) Abby had watched this  scenery and blew her opinion infront of the woman who shrugged it off, while Abby was defending him. It was later after a courttrial that Maga and her got divorced and the kids to him as he stated "She is mentally not stable and neglects them" As the trial was over, the couple divorced and Maga now getting the kids in 2 days had time to prepare all. Val helped him as she had experience with it all and helped him wherere she could, bringing the two closer as partners as well as seeing that not everyone was sweet on the outside.

His kid Brezziana is an adorable lil kid (age 3) who is learning the world around her and is taken in by Maga after the mother had done alot of b+++. Her older sister Erica is 9 years old and got taken in by Maga as well after beeing scared of her mother who only used her to get cash. The girls adore their reptile/human dad alot and thankful to this day (as well as beeing with "uncle Derrick" who partly watched them. Val adores these kids and see´s them later part of the family 

(Especially after Maga´s death that she takes them in and watches over. At the time pregnant with Maga´s kids herself (twins)


The Gatorking who "adopted" Maga later on as a teen. After he had fled and landed nearby, the Alien Topas Patak had found the young kid and took him in. Later attending the reptilian Fesstival to where Makumba had spotted the kid.
The two had a very good connection and made it on a monthly visit there whenever they could. .
Over time, Maga had a good connection with the big Reptile.
Tapak who was dying, didn´t want Maga to see him like this, leaving him with Makumba´s care and had to "take care of things" Makumba scooped up the young runaway and taking to Planet Nasauri Arkatis (the reptile Planet) where he adopted the young one without questioning after Topak´s death-
Maga at the time didn´t understand what was going on and though he was on a mission.
Training, raising him lovingly and finding out from where he came. Makumba who later became a king, lets the way open for Maga to choose.
After the truth came out that Topas would never come back, Maga set out to find the truth.

Topas Patak (Alien)

Maga´s Savior´s from the Labs who had spotted him in the water. A young kid escaping from labs, Topas made sure to hide him. (A safe place in the inside of the huge Alien "Statue"in Sunburst City)
Raising him up to a young kid around 13 years old. As he headed with the young Maga to Nasauri Arkatis (the reptile Planet) meeting Makumba himself. On a regular basis, meeting, getting to know more and enjoying life. He had no idea that Topas had encountered Vivian, got threatened to hand over Maga (Who at the time was with Makumba) and was set a trial. Either he brought Maga to her and would get the antidote, or suffer and die. Which Topas no doubt decided for the better side.
He left Maga with his friend Makumba, saying that he had to go on a special mission.
With him gone, he headed back to the Statue, trying to find an antidote. Writing down formulas, tried underground connections. Basically anything that would help with this thing Vivian had injected him with. But it was too late. He died in the lower bunker of the statue, his corpse still below and all notes and infos with him. Along a letter towards Maga and the truth.
Later with the time passing, Maga had headed back because no answer or response of Topas was made. With Makumba not wanting to let the young Maga at the time know, travelling with him.
Upon stumbling into the Alien Agent, who was seeking on a trail as well. Working together and finding the hidden tunnel. Along it´s secrets and.. the letter.
With Maga now even more set on his goal of getting revenge and killing Vivian and her team, he stopped smiling and began to focus. Not wanting to waste time and find the one responsible (he buried Topas honorably)


Character summarized

Character Sheet: Magalank, aka Maga/General Scaley

Magalank, also known as Maga or General Scaley, was created in a laboratory on Planet Pangea through a complex genetic process involving reptilian and human DNA, as well as a small part of Shift genetic. His creation date is on 07.01.2017, and he underwent various genetic experiments from birth to childhood. After escaping the laboratory as a teenager, he swore revenge on Vivian, the scientist behind the experiments.

He found refuge on Planet Gamalank, where he was taken in by King Makumba and eventually became the General of the Special Force unit. Despite his serious and stoic demeanor, Maga has a softer side that emerges during his monthly "human" cycle.

Standing at 1m87, Maga is usually seen in his full-cover "Suit" when on missions, with the helmet always covering his face. In his reptilian form, he has distinctive scale colors that he's somewhat ashamed of, leading him to prefer wearing the uniform. During his "human" cycle, he takes on a humanoid form, allowing him to experience a softer and more emotional side.


  • Training sessions
  • Accuracy on weapons and maintenance
  • Flowers
  • Dancing

Dislikes and Fears:

  • Traitors and lying
  • Mosquitoes


  • Sniping
  • Firearms knowledge
  • Martial arts
  • Strategy
  • Skilled with flowers (green thumb)
  • Dancing and singing
  • Plays the piano on occasion


  • Origin family: Reptiles (unknown)
  • Genetic family: Milo and Mira
  • Adoptive father: King Makumba
  • Rescuer and mentor: Topas Patak (deceased)


  • Val (Abigail/Leonore): Initially tasked with watching over Val as a suspect involved in Vivian's crimes, Maga develops a complex relationship with her. After uncovering the truth, they become friends and eventually partners. Val helps Maga open up, leading to a deeper connection between them.
  • Derrick: Maga's best friend and closest ally, Derrick is a white tiger skilled in combat. They share a strong bond, with Derrick being one of the few who knows Maga's true self. Together, they form an effective team in the Special Force unit.
  • Ex-Wife Heather: Maga's Martian ex-wife, who tricked him during their relationship. The divorce led to Maga gaining custody of their children, Brezziana and Erica. Despite the challenges, Maga remains a devoted father to his daughters.
  • King Makumba: The Gatorking who adopted Maga as a teenager, providing him with guidance and support. Makumba played a crucial role in Maga's upbringing after Topas' death.
  • Topas Patak (Alien): Maga's savior from the labs, who took care of him until his death. Topas had a mission to find an antidote for the experiments conducted on Maga but died in the process. His death deeply impacted Maga, pushing him toward revenge.


  • Maga has a monthly genetic cycle that transforms him into a more emotional and softer "human" form.
  • Despite his serious demeanor, Maga enjoys dancing and singing, showcasing a different side during his "human" cycle.
  • Maga keeps a small pistol given to him by his human savior from the labs, with one bullet, serving as a reminder of his past.
  • His wereMaga form emerges in overwhelming situations, turning him into a formidable and dangerous creature.

Current Occupation:
General of the Special Force on Planet Gamalank, leading missions and ensuring peace on the planet.

Daily Routine:
Balancing military responsibilities, training sessions, and occasional visits to Val, Maga maintains a disciplined and focused routine. His softer side emerges during his "human" cycle, allowing for a break from his serious demeanor.


  • "General Scaley reporting for duty."
  • "Precision and strategy - the keys to victory."
  • "Every flower has its thorns, just like every mission has its challenges."
  • "In the dance of combat, every step matters."
  • "A leader must be firm, but a friend must be understanding."
  • "Protecting the innocent is a duty I take seriously."
  • "Behind the armor lies a story, and mine is one of survival."
  • "Even in the darkest moments, there's a glimmer of hope."
  • "Family is not defined by blood; it's the bonds we forge."
  • "In the dance of life, we must learn to waltz through challenges."

Maga, with his complex past and diverse relationships, continues to navigate the challenges of leadership, parenthood, and personal growth on the planet he now calls home.

DND character stats

Magalank, aka Maga/General ScaleyMedium humanoid (reptilian), neutral

Armor Class 18 (natural armor, plus dexterity bonus)Hit Points 130 (15d8 + 60)Speed 30 ft.

STR 16 (+3)
DEX 18 (+4)
CON 18 (+4)
INT 14 (+2)
WIS 16 (+3)
CHA 14 (+2)

Skills: Acrobatics +8, Perception +7, Stealth +8, Survival +7

Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 17

Languages: Common, Draconic, Shift (language of genetic origin)

Challenge: 10 (5,900 XP)

Background: Soldier

Class: Fighter (Battle Master) 15

Class Features:

  • Fighting Style: Archery
  • Second Wind: As a bonus action, regain hit points equal to 1d10 + fighter level.
  • Action Surge: Once per short rest, take an additional action on your turn.
  • Martial Archetype: Battle Master: Gain superiority dice (d8) and maneuvers.
  • Extra Attack (2): Attack twice whenever you take the Attack action.
  • Indomitable (3/Day): Reroll a failed saving throw.


  • Precision Attack
  • Menacing Attack
  • Evasive Footwork
  • Parry
  • Riposte


  • Sharpshooter


  • Custom long-range weapon (Valerie's gift)
  • Small pistol with one bullet
  • Full-cover "Suit" (armor)
  • Longsword (for close combat)
  • Explorer's Pack
  • Set of fine clothes

Special Abilities:

  • Monthly Genetic Cycle: Maga transforms into his "human" form for four days each month, gaining advantage on Charisma-based checks and saving throws. During this time, he experiences heightened emotions.
  • WereMaga Form: In overwhelming situations, Maga can transform into a powerful reptilian form, gaining temporary hit points and enhanced strength. Useable once per long rest.

Roleplay Notes:

  • Maga is a disciplined and focused leader, utilizing his martial prowess and strategic mind in combat.
  • Despite his serious demeanor, Maga has a softer side, especially during his monthly cycle.
  • His wereMaga form is a last resort, unleashed when the situation becomes dire.


  • "General Maga reporting for duty."
  • "Precision and strategy - the keys to victory."
  • "Every flower has its thorns, just like every mission has its challenges."
  • "In the dance of combat, every step matters."
  • "A leader must be firm, but a friend must be understanding."
  • "Protecting the innocent is a duty I take seriously."
  • "Behind the armor lies a story, and mine is one of survival."
  • "Even in the darkest moments, there's a glimmer of hope."
  • "Family is not defined by blood; it's the bonds we forge."
  • "In the dance of life, we must learn to waltz through challenges."
