Henati Naratu Pat



4 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info


Henni, Nora Silvia Florentina Wicket, Doc









Hair Color

natural black

Eye Color


S. Orientation

Open for anything


Colorado- Pangea


Father: Noel Pat, oldest brother Steven, big brother Austin, lil brother Jakob and little sister


Aliendoctor (gynecologist), SexualTherapist, Nurse along SpeciesKnower


Fotografic memory, endurance, wisdom



Created on 02.01.2005 and 2018 got a revamp on her design.

Henati is a learned and trained Alien/human doc (vet/Animal like too), Gynakologist, sexual therapist and med. doctor. Alongside her father with their own place for patients as both do their best. Has a fotografic memory and a brilliant mind to keep all that info inside and use it.
She later becomes a "Species-Knower", keeping log on the existing species there are and names.

She can´t get pregnant due to a sickness in her below from the past (operated out to save her life). But still can "enjoy" the physical stuff. This narrows it easier as she doesnt get sick easily or have damage. She is fully healthy now and more energized along the "perk" of beeing robust in physical sports and such. 

Trained since a teenager and studied hard to become a double doctor. While honing on her extrem well knowledge of anatomy on humans, aliens and alike, her curiosity got bigger. Using this to not only have fun but help others, she runs an amazing Blog with documentation on species and preferences (with co op of the visitors)  A high sexual, supportive female who knows her way around and holds to her own rules. 

Later has her own pet cat https://toyhou.se/8154349.snowflake



Henati was born and raised in Colorado and lived a while in

Father: Noel Pat

Oldest brother: Steven 38 years old
Big brother: Austin 33 years old
Henati: 27 years old
Lil brother: Jakob 20 years old
Little sister:  Farah 3 years old

What she learned/Studied
-Alongside her father had practiced on medical stuff. (basic anatomy from human to alien and such) as well as first aid and support)
 Along in his lil hospital in the past she studied and became a nurse first to support her ftaher. Midwife as well, helping babies be born and supporting the mothers.
Until a point she wanted to do this herself (But with the more mature topic) as many had needed and wanted support.

-From the Nurse and midwife, moving on to study the intern part. How to operate

-Sex Therapist
Mental Health Profi who treat sexual issues through psychotherapy and cognitive therapy. Main goal of the order is to use their effort to offer a more targeted approach and encourage cliehts to talk about sex openly. Can work with minor sexual concerns to deeper, long term problems snf msnx proplr sldo look to a sex therapist for problems such as orgasm, sexual aversion and vaginismus.

Henati has her own Blog named "inner Side":

"Use a protection for your erection" is the entrance title when you click on it. Under the name "Nora Silvia Florentina Wicket, Doc" or a fun take on "doc Nsfw" she has all the burning questions and answers them. Viewers can ask questions, see her "documentary" which she always (!) Asks permission of the clients beforehand if they want it posted. Some are ok with it, others anonym and some not at all which she refers to an alias or example. Henni brings on her blog vids for the curious and talks over them when filming and other is ok. Reviewing and explaining the species she has it with. Even interviews at the end of the vid with them or they join a day or two later to interview. Some help with the knowledge of the other. Clearifying rumors and giving the facts for future couples or funimes to enjoy it more. Henni would never simply film without permission as that would go against her own rules. 

Not only does Henati film and explain, but also gives a free checkup. Seeing if body is ok, checking for anything thats not supposed to be there  etc. As Health is important to her and a proper Hygene. 

On her blog are infos on species in general she has experience with as well as a Q and A, forum asks and appointment makings.(you can write up for a meeting if you want to and fill out  a form)

With also counseling for singles, couples and talks, Henni does Livestreams at certain times where she answers in real life from camera. If you re lucky you can get a vid feed of her with a client thats ok to watch. 

Having alot of endurance and energy, she is a pretty happy person and stands for what is right. 

Henni's rules, rules yo:

-she would never flirt or snag someone who is married, promised to or engaged. If you re happy with your mate, she ll be supportive
-she would never film you or doing s or talks without permission. You say what you want to be seen or not. 


-With this fun female, she is open for anything and would try it. With a big painlevel, it s hard to knock her down.
-Henati knows what she want s and can be a gentle soft speaking lady
-Loves children and has a good hand with them (she does wish for her own even if it js not possible) but would babysit anytime again with Abby
-Loves dressing up and changing hair every 2 to 3 weeks.
-Her naughty side and her professional side. Knowing when to use what. 

W.i p

She later has a fun time as she summoned the incubus "Carooz" what first was just curiosity, turned out to be an amazing co-op and the demon himself was more than attached to his human friend.

More info to come

Stories to read about her (and other=)
1) https://toyhou.se/~literature/35979.the-tie-that-binds-us
2) https://toyhou.se/~literature/100061.bound


Henati - Quick Character Summary

  • Alias: Henni, Nora Silvia Florentina Wicket, Doc
  • Birthday: 02.01
  • Age: 27
  • Height: 1m80
  • Species: Human
  • Hair Color: Natural black
  • Eye Color: Green
  • S. Orientation: Open for anything
  • Birthplace: Colorado - Pangea
  • Family:
  • Father: Noel Pat
  • Oldest brother: Steven (38 years old)
  • Big brother: Austin (33 years old)
  • Henati: 27 years old
  • Lil brother: Jakob (20 years old)
  • Little sister: Farah (3 years old)
  • Occupation: Alien doctor (gynecologist), Sexual Therapist, Nurse, Species Knower
  • Talents: Photographic memory, endurance, wisdom
  • Group/Organization: Runs her own medical practice alongside her father
  • Created: 02.01.2005, revamped in 2018

Henati was born and raised in Colorado and lived a while in a small hospital run by her father, where she learned basic medical skills and first aid. She later studied to become a nurse and midwife, supporting her father in the hospital. As her curiosity grew, she pursued a career as a double doctor, specializing in gynecology, surgery, and sex therapy.

Current Roles:
Henati is a learned and trained alien/human doctor, gynecologist, sexual therapist, and nurse. She later becomes a "Species-Knower," documenting various species and their preferences on her blog named "Inner Side." Despite a past illness preventing her from getting pregnant, she remains fully healthy and robust, with a high pain threshold.

Blog "Inner Side":
Under the alias "Nora Silvia Florentina Wicket, Doc" or "Doc Nsfw," Henati runs a blog where she answers burning questions, documents encounters with different species (with permission), and provides a free checkup. The blog also includes Q&A sessions, forum asks, appointment bookings, and counseling for singles and couples.


  • Open-minded and willing to try anything, but with a set of rules respecting others' relationships and privacy.
  • Has a high pain level and boundless energy.
  • Loves children and has a good hand with them.
  • Enjoys dressing up and changing her hairstyle regularly.
  • Balances a naughty side with professionalism, knowing when to use each.

WIP:Henati's story continues, including her summoning of the incubus "Carooz," leading to a unique and lasting connection with the demon. More details to come.

DND Stats Dungeons & Dragons Stats for Henati - Healer Doc Rogue

Race: Human
Class: Rogue (Healer Archetype)
Background: Medic
Level: 5
Alignment: Neutral Good
Strength (STR): 10 (+0)
Dexterity (DEX): 16 (+3)
Constitution (CON): 14 (+2)
Intelligence (INT): 14 (+2)
Wisdom (WIS): 16 (+3)
Charisma (CHA): 12 (+1)
Hit Points (HP): 38
Armor Class (AC): 14
Speed: 30 feet


Medicine: +5Persuasion: +3Stealth: +5Insight: +5Acrobatics: +5Perception: +5

Saving Throws:

Dexterity: +5Intelligence: +2

Languages: Common, Alien languages

Features and Traits:

Sneak Attack: Once per turn, deal an extra 2d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack.Thieves' Cant: Understand secret messages and symbols in the rogues' cant.Cunning Action: Bonus action to Dash, Disengage, or Hide.Healer's Kit: Proficient in using a healer's kit for basic medical needs.Second-Story Work: Climbing does not cost extra movement, and DEX (Acrobatics) checks for climbing are easier.Evasion: When subjected to an effect that allows a DEX saving throw for half damage, take no damage on a success.Uncanny Dodge: Use a reaction to halve damage from an attacker you can see.Reliable Talent: Minimum result of 10 on all DEX or INT skills you are proficient in.

Rogue Archetype: Healer

Healing Touch: As an action, can spend hit dice to restore HP to a creature, effectively healing.


Healer's KitDaggerThieves' ToolsLeather ArmorCrossbow, LightExplorer's Pack50 feet of hempen rope

Background Equipment:

Medicine PouchDoctor's RobesLetter of Recommendation from a Medical Guild

Personality Traits:

Compassionate and empathetic, always seeking to heal and help.Inquisitive nature, curious about different species and their biology.Believes in the power of knowledge and education to solve problems.

Backstory:Henati, born into a family of healers, was drawn to the medical field from a young age. Trained in traditional healing methods, she later found her way into the rogue's path, utilizing her medical expertise in unorthodox ways. Her adventures often involve unraveling mysteries and assisting those in need, blending her skills as a healer and rogue.

Note: These D&D stats are created with a focus on Henati's profession as a healer and her rogue-like tendencies. Feel free to adjust based on your campaign's rules and balance preferences.
