Virgil Crawford (Icystorm)



4 years, 10 months ago


Virgil Crawford

Age 19
Gender Male
Height 5’11ft
Species Nekomimi
Skills Photography and Guitar Playing 


  • Bird Watching
  • Playing Guitar
  • Photography
  • Warm Milk


  • Being Dirty
  • Coffee
  • Judgement
  • Liars

Patient . Observant . Honest

A loner by nature, Virgil doesn’t interact with many people which can make him come across as feral in behaviour, however this couldn’t be further from the truth. Though he retains some of his more animalistic behaviours such as hissing when he is annoyed, he maintains a healthy and sustainable lifestyle in the woods he calls home. His house is located near a lake which he can observe and photograph the variety of wildlife which is attracted there. He has raised several baby birds who have fallen out of their nest and abandoned by the parents, these birds continue to visit him even when they are adults. They often sit on his shoulder when he plays guitar when he is outside. He enjoys spending time outside, often watching birds or lying on the grass, enjoying the warmth of the sun, especially in the morning.

During the evenings he enjoys settling down with his guitar and playing by the fire or singing along to his favourite songs. He enjoys a mug of warm milk with honey at night as it helps him sleep. He often has a racing mind at night which makes it hard for him to sleep, so the warm drink helps him relax and eventually fall asleep. This struggle of falling asleep is not just because of his racing thoughts but also due to him being a light sleeper, his heightened senses can make it difficult to stay asleep due to him hearing even the slightest sound in the middle of the night. He hates people judging him based off his cat like nature, they often think he likes being around birds because he likes to kill them. These judgemental opinions are one of the few things which he truly hates and one of the main reasons he lives isolated in the forest. Virgil isn’t afraid to tell people what he thinks of them, even if it means hurting the other person’s feelings, he doesn’t intentionally do this, but he doesn’t see the point in lying and thinks it would be more disrespectful to lie to the person’s face.

 “I am so much more than my feline nature.”

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