


4 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info


STR 16 || DEX 13 || CON 16 || INT 8 || WIS 12 || CHA 10




Earth Genasi


Neutral Good


Folk Hero




Sincerity. There's no good in pretending to be something I'm not.

Trait 1

When I set my mind to something, I follow through no matter what gets in my way.

Trait 2

I misuse long words in an attempt to sound smarter.


I wish my childhood sweetheart had come with me to pursue my destiny.


The tyrant who rules my land will stop at nothing to see me killed.


Chad grew up in a farm town on the main road outside a major city. Not a huge place, but not completely isolated either. He grew up working in his family's inn with his father and siblings while his mother went out adventuring. It was her that taught her how to channel his rage in battle, but it was his father that taught him the initial much more useful skill of brewery, helping to make the ale that put their inn on the map.

Unfortunately, the town was still under the rule of whoever was in power in said nearby metropolis, and when the city fell under rule of a corrupt sorcerer, they all suffered. Chad and his partner, Logan, an apprentice leatherworker who he grew up with in the town, saw the way the tyrant and their subjects wreaked havoc onto the city, and the town, and the countryside and everywhere in between. Chad, having always been a bit brash and quick to action, left the tavern to his sister and took up arms against the brutes, while Robin urged him to think through it, and wait for his mother to return, as she'd surely know what to do.

Never one to wait for something to happen for him, Chad insisted, so Robin gave in, helping to craft a plan to sneak into the armory and find enough weapons to hopefully arm the populace. The plan, unfortunately, went terribly, with Logan being captured and Chad barely making it out with his life and freedom. Infuriated and refusing to stop here, Chad had hoped to make a final stand against the tyrants who now intended to punish the local populace for the clear attempt to rise up. Armed with farm and home tools with Chad and his mother's axe at the front line, they pushed back the tyrants forces.

After days of holding their ground, his mother and her party returned from their journeys, and with her help, he was able to make a mighty push back against the tyrant, and swayed much of the army and city and town populace both to their side. Together, they managed to force the sorcerer down from power, but he remains alive, and with a heavy grudge.

Logan was returned to them, Chad's mother and her crew went back on the road, and he'd realized that that was the life meant for him as well. After a year of rebuilding and helping training his siblings to work the tavern, Logan reminded him of his calling. They had a final parting, understanding that they were to follow different paths, and Chad took off on his own.

Of course, the peace was fragile, and the sorcerer didn't stay silent for long. It's been 2 years since he's left, and one since he's had any contact with his family... He continues on his path, but the possibilities of what's happened wrack his brain at night.