Marina (Full info and story)



Marina *but it's always work in progress...

Age: like... a lot.
Gender: female
Height: 5'2"/158 cm
Occupation: demigoddess of water
Headcanon voice: Poppy - Aristocrat | Poppy - Girls In Bikinis
Personality: Marina is usually active and fun loving, but strict at the same time. She is pretty self-centred and likes being praised. She is very emotional, her mood is pretty fickle. Marina is good at psychology and it gives her an ability to manipulate others... but she doesn't really use that unless it's something serious. That makes her more understanding, sensitive and responsive to other's feelings, but Marina is still not that good at helping someone who is not close enough to her. Her biggest issue is uncontrolled aggression, that often makes her toxic, abusive and nervous. Marina usually can't control that, though she is pretty kind on the inside.
Likes: fishing, hanging out with children, annoying her "colleagues", swimming, sword fighting, knitting and sewing, just having fun, exploring different places, being praised
Dislikes: boring people, forests, vegetables, being compared to others, rain, hot weather
Her power: Marina has a power of hydrokinesis. It means she can conrol the movement of liquids, freeze them and generate water from atmosphere using her mind and hands. It's a technique that she learned from Charlotte - her teacher, who was a previous demigoddess of water. Though Marina still can't evaporate water into mist, I guess she is too dumb for this. She also has a magic sword >:^)
Relationships and story: Please keep in mind that those events take place in totally different periods, since Marina's life is long. I tried to put the paragraphs in order that is somehow close to chronological. The events that are specified in the end of "Marina and Aurora" part are the main plot of Darina's story and they take place at Marina's age of about 350, where her story has no continuation for now. But since it's work in progress, I'll add more events... when I think them off haha. Though it's not going to be soon, so I'm leaving it as it is right now. Enjoy~
1. Mortal life. Marina grew up in a family of two moms in a pretty good atmosphere, though her relationships with peers were a bit difficult. She was bad at making friends since she was more quiet and antisocial as a child, she didn't really need any pals around her. Even when Marina did manage to make some, she never really spent time with them because of lack of interest. There were some children that hated Marina for no reason, but she could stand for herself. She bit an annoying girl who offended her, and after that some individuals started thinking that she was feral or something. As a child Marina looked like this... or this, but the spiky haircut happened only once: she got lost in the forest, dipped herself into a puddle, stuck in some tree branches, came home, looked at how untidy she is and cut the hair herself.
Maybe these were the things that resulted in Marina being agressive and nervous, but she would never say that her childhood was a sad time for her. When she grew up, she became more social and cheerful. She started living an active life, made some friends (and one night stands haha) and got a good reputation among the folk. Marina worked as a seamstress, also did fishing as a hobby and a way to feed herself (*when I say fishing, I mean no fishing poles and boats: the girl just went into water and caught a salmon with her hands and teeth, yeah, so savage). She never had any serious relationships, only one night stands (or max three night haha) with girls.
Ironically, she died at the age ~25 because of getting stuck in seaweed and drowning.

2. The beginning of her "career"; relationships with Charlotte. Marina was chosen by Charlotte, the water demigoddess of that time, to become her heir. She thought that her follower should be more creative and emotional than the ones they usually choose. To become a demigoddess, Marina trained for 10 years.
Charlotte was respected among the other demigods (there are 4 of them in total including her), but her decision about Marina was quite questioned by them. The two of them were completely different and such a radical change didn't seem to end up being good. Despite that, Charlotte was always confident about Marina. She taught her to be strong, knowing that after she would be gone, Marina might be pressured by others. Charlotte told Marina that she needed to learn to stand by herself so that nobody questions her abilities. She used to protect her heir a lot from the others' opinion, and Marina respected her teacher as well. They had some strong and warm relationships between each other.
The demigod chooses their heir at the age of about 700, after that they spent 10 years training the heir and then... they die I guess?? So after Charlotte died, Marina got full access to her abilities... aaand the actual job. The work of a demigod is mostly about solving the folk's problems and changing seasons, in which Marina is mostly responsible about water, and winter season as well. She is very well known and pretty much respected among the mortals, since she spends most of her time on earth. Marina has been loved by children of all generations because she hangs out with them a lot. She thinks they are more interesting, funny and creative than adults. She teaches them to catch fish, talks to them, always helps them with stuff and so on and so forth. If to speak about the other demigods, then... uh, Marina doesn't like their company at all. Except for one girl, but that's all later.
Marina likes doing good, impressive and kind stuff 'cause she feels very important when others thank her. Being praised by the folk is literally the only thing that keeps her away from d3pr3ssi0n lol :"D

3. Marina and Miranda (and other demigods...?).
Miranda inherited a post of an earth demigoddess several decades after Marina, and that's where our girl finally got a victim nice pal to talk to :) Miranda is calm, understanding, serious-minded and might seem boring to Marina, besides that she annoys Mira, but... who cares, it's your favorite love-hate relationships again, e n j o y. Marina often drags her out to the earth to hang out and explore some stuff since she needs some company. Miranda hesitates, but goes anyway because she doesn't have a choice. She just enjoys being alone more, but Marina is more likely to break her personal space, so she's kinda used to it already. Seeing Miranda being annoyed by her company just makes Marina's mischievous personality feel pleased >:^) Marina finds her boring as hell, but it brings so much special felings to her that she can't help but take Mira outside and persuade her to go catch some frogs together :)
Even if Marina irritates her, Miranda still feels some responsibility for this dumb little bitch. When Marina is depressed and doesn't want to talk to her and hand out for some reason, Mira feels a bit guilty and tries to help her. This seems confusing to her, but she would never reject Marina's feelings no matter what.
All in all, they have these stereotypical "big strict sister x annoying little sister" relationships, yeah, enjoy :)
Oh, there are "other demigods" in the title too... Well, Marina dislikes them. While the air demigod seems just boring to her, the fire dude is like a pain in Marina's neck. He doesn't do anything bad, but he just seems so annoying to her that she hates him for no good reason.

4. Marina and Chester.
Chester is a mortal guy, whom Marina met accidentaly and they became friends. He is just really cheerful and Marina liked that.
There were some stories about a retired demigod who tried to hire a mortal to help him, but it never ended good: they quarreled for a reason that wasn't clarified. Hearing this, Marina wanted to try to do the same thing hoping to succeed, so she made Chester her assistant kinda by binding their souls and sharing her powers with him.
Actually, demigods are advised not to make friends or fall in love with mortals. While mortal creatures change throughout their lifes (growing up, making mistakes, falling in love. changing their oppinions on life) and they are not able to make sustained decisions, gods have already lived through that period and now they are stable. Even if you will be able to hold a mortal person as a friend, their life lasts 10 times shorter that a demigods life and... you know what that leads to.
By disregarding these rules and other demigods' experiences, Marina made a huge mistake. After 3 years of their friendship, Chester had changed a lot. He fell in love, made new friends and, though he still liked Marina, she never mattered for him as much as she used to. Besides that she felt like he had become much more respected and popular than she is because of having her powers. Marina felt replaced by some stinky boi, so she broke their bounds without a second thought.
The fact that Chester still tried to talk and spend time with her made Marina's attempts to get over this situation much worse. But she actually managed to make him fuck off. Yay.

5. Marina and Ashley.
Marina had to meet with Ashley for business, so that's how they got to know each other. Ashley is a calm and 24/7 chill girl, she had a husband (whom she doesn't like since their marriage was forced, but they still get along somehow) and two children. She and Marina quickly got along. They liked spending time together. Then they had sex. Just one time. Such bad girls... You can oficially call Marina a homewrecker.

In about a week, Ashley's family died in a seastorm. She went abolutely crazy, she never would believe that. The last thought that came to her mind is that it's all Marina's fault (spoiler: it's not). Ashley thought that Marina caused a seastorm that killed her family because of jealousy. Ashley started haunting her, and then decided to kill her. Marina tried to talk to her, but it never worked. When Ashley tried to murder her, Marina used a deadly power to protect herself.
The deadly power is a thing that every demigod has. It usually causes instant death of a victim, but this power is actually prohibited. When a demigod uses it, their face or body cracks (like this) and yeah, this thing hurts. Besides that, it serves to be a mark of a murderer. This wound may be healed by the upper gods, but you have to prove that you used your power in an emergency situation, unless... stay like this and be ugly and wounded lol.
The deadly power of Marina is an ability to of controll blood and other liquids inside of a living creature's body. She messes with your blood, and voila, instant death. That's what she did to Ashley, though she never wanted it and didn't even do it on purpose: it was a reflex. Then her face went crack, she started crying and ran away. 
It was really difficult to prove your own innocence when Ashley had some big reputation. The fact that her family died and everybody pitied and mourned her made it even worse. Marina gained back her reputation and had her face healed with children's support: they never questioned her innocence and believed that it is none of her fault... though I'm not sure they quite understood the situation.

6. Marina and Aurora.
Marina knew Aurora since she was a child (Important notice: Marina was about 120 y.o. at that time). Aurora always had a bad life and a lot of misunderstanding towards herself, so Marina tried to help her as much as she could, spending time together and protecting her from evil opinions. When Aurora grew up and became a teen, they started to part more and more each day because of Aurora's depression.

When they met again, it was really painful for Marina to see what Aurora had become: she was trapped in a big void prison because of killing a demigod. Weak, nervous, depressed and offended. She didn't want to talk to Marina at all for the first time. Each day Aurora's soul became darker and darker, all that she ever wanted from Marina is to abuse, fight and press her, so that she could feel the same as Aurora herself. Marina wanted to understand her, but she would never open her soul after what happened. All that Aurora's thought about was revenge.
After 200 years Aurora escaped from the limbo with Darina's help. She caused some sort of genocide as an act of revenge, she was uncontrollable, so Marina had to stop her. Even after what she has done, it was depressing for Marina to fight Aurora.

She was glad to see that everything ended pretty well.

To be continued... someday?