tbn 🎀🐱's Comments

Hello! Would you consider mixed offer - 20 usd and a chibi of any character you’d like ( e.g. df2i3as-8404887b-9781-416b-b971-f5065b85more examples can be found here; https://www.deviantart.com/laisana/journal/Chubby-chibi-commission-887097251

Heya! I would absolutely accept that ^^

You can send the $20 here: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/papinella

And as for the chibi, can you do this character? https://toyhou.se/17230862.minky

Awesome! I’ll send over the payment rn!!

Yes absolutely, such a lovely character!! do you mind telling me a bit about their personality?( few adjectives will work- just so I can get the idea of their personality)

Sounds good, thank you!! ^^

She is very kind and always willing to stand up for others. Often very silly and fun to be around, too! Loves animals and nature. 

Payment should be sent!

thank you, I’ll start working on it asap!

I got it, thanks so much! ^^

I’m so excited!! >w<

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I’ll consider! ^^

Hey there! Sorry for such a long delay, after some thought I have decided to only sell this cutie, but thank you so much for offering!