


4 years, 11 months ago


Gem Type: Rainbow Flourite.
Frosty, Flo, Abomination,

Gem Placement: 

Neutral, but despises Homeworld.
The Giant "Arms." That come from her Helmet is her Weapon. The Ends can split into Fingers and form into hands. Levitation and flying capabilities. She also has Glaciokinesis (manipulation of ice), and Hydrokinesis (manipulation of water).

Flourite is a very emotionless gem. She acts calm and collected most of the time, but in reality she wishes she could shatter every Homeworld gem in sight. Flourite enjoys the suffering of others and could care less about their feelings. She's quite anti-social as well, and prefers to be alone all the time. Flourite is also tactical and analytical, always thinking before acting.

Fun facts:
*Her design is based off of Froslass from Pokémon.
*She talks in Whispers.
*She produces a cold aura, meaning if you stood near her, you'll suddenly feel much colder.
*The Liquid that replaces her legs is not water, but is a Unknown type of thick liquid. She can shapeshift it if she wishes, but it's very uncomfortable and sometimes painful.


Flourite was forcibly experimented on by Homeworld to see if a Gem could obtain powers that they are not created with. She obtained a mixture of powers, like a Sapphire's Levitation and glaciokinesis and a Lapis Lazuli's hydrokinesis and Flight. But the end result was not what Homeworld wanted. The combination of new powers affected her form greatly and she lost her legs. They're now replaced with Liquid and she can't walk anymore and has to constantly levitate. After that, Flourite became a failed test subject and was sentenced to shattering since she was of no use to Homeworld anymore. But she wanted to live, so she thought of a simple escape plan to get out of that hell. Using her new powers, she froze every gem that stood in her way and made it to some small escape pods and escaped. She travelled as far as she could to get away from Homeworld. she never wants to see homeworld ever again and especially doesn't want to hear the word 'Homeworld' again.