


4 years, 11 months ago


Name: Thanatos; Nickname: Thain

Gender: Male

Height: 5'11

Species: Human

Relationship: n/a

Personality: Definitely enjoys killing, but that his job. Very arrogant but quiet and skillful when working. Gets tired easily so he likes naps. Is he a tsundere in a relationship? No. He actually is quite caring of those close to him, although if they can't understand and stand up to his truth, he will leave them.

Backstory?: Thanatos has lived his entire childhood working and cleaning. This family had been servants for William Hansworth. His only younger sister Seraphina, had been sexually abused by Hansworth friends and other people who came and visited the mansion, Thanatos and his family were working at. The pain of the abuse made his younger sister to commit suicide by poisoning herself by consuming cleaning supplies in the basement. Thanatos sought out to seek revenge, after discovering his deceased sister and ultimately assassinated Hansworth. He realized he had enjoyed his kill and decided to make it a profession and become a professional hit-man/assassin. His family didn't approve of this actions and cowardly hid behind, even though their own daughter was dead. He abandoned them, and let his name be known through the dark alley ways and gangs. His job is to kill anyone of high status, though a reasonable explanation and evidence needs to be shown to him before he can accept the job. Thanatos throughout the years forgot what he was really killing for, and only did it to satisfy his boredom living off the streets.

Carries:  A burner phone, his personal phone, a lighter, headphones, a butterfly knife, and a notebook which has all his past and recent victims names written in it.

Update: Harness + Wolf Ears are optional when drawing him.

my edgiest oc euirbhjuwb,, whom i love.