


7 years, 11 months ago


Lucifer ***


"Time spent amongst trees is never time wasted." –Anonymous


N A M E  __ Lucifer 'Lucy' aka 'The Siren of Suden'
G E N D E R __ Male
A G E  __ Adult
B I R T H D A Y __ ?/??/????
T H E M E __Michaela / #024
T Y P E __  Fooling
O C C U P A T I O N __ Merchant/ Singer
M A T E __ N/A
L I K E S__ Singing and watching the dunes at night
N A T I O N __ Suden
D I S L I K E S __ Crowds, his father, and his job
W E A K N E S S __ If dragged into a crowd of people Lucifer will try to withdraw into himself.






Lucifer is a kind a gentle Foo that tends to shy away from others. From a young age he was expected to become a merchant like his father and his father before him. However what he truly wants to be is a singer. Every night Lucifer makes it a point to sneak out of his family home at the dead of night and into the dessert dunes to practice his sorrowful ballads with the stars being his only audience.

So beautiful are his ballads, that weary and dehydrated travelers lucky enough to come upon him during these moments have mistaken him for a mirage brought on by their days of endless travel. It was from these encounters that a legend had started amongst merchants and travelers alike all across Suden, of a mysterious being known as the Siren of Suden. No one has ever seen the mysterious Siren before, however legend has it that if you are ever lost during your travels in the desert sands. Listen closely for the sirens voice and you will be able to find your way home.




