Quinton Abbey



4 years, 11 months ago


Name: Quinton Abbey
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Sexuality: Gay
Species: Shark
Occupation: Mafia Boss
Height: 6'8
Weight: 460lbs

Personality: Quinton is a loud and brash man with an insufferable ego. He isn't exactly a people person at heart but somehow finds a way to obtain the trust of most people he meets despite not having any trust himself. His friendships are always short lived thanks to his blunt attitude and his devotion to always tell the truth. He is also far too confident for his own good. When upset or angry Quinton has a very bad habit of destroying things that are around him in order to let off steam. Which has coasted him quite a lot of money in property damage. So basically don't piss him off. He generally just not a nice dude. All he does is sit in his office all day, drinking till the days end, he is also incredibly rich thanks to his 'business'.

Background: Quinton never admits to having a background to anyone, but of course he does. He's the middle child of 3 and grew up with his mother and father. His mother was a florist and his father was very distant but worked as a hunter. He moved to the city as quickly as he could, stealing money from his parents in order to do so, with being miserable with where he used to live. Quiton's natural height and weight gave him an advantage to say the least, working as a bouncer for various nightclubs. He eventually wormed himself into a gang, a gang of predator animals in which again Quinton quickly took to the top of the ranks. One day, Quinton's boss who went by Herman was assassinated, with no next of kin, Quinton became the next king pin of the gang and his riches, where he now runs...a bit too effectively. In recent years he fell for one of his workers by the name of Virgil who is a rat and is now very happily married to him.

Likes: Smoking, Alcohol, Money, Power, His husband
Dislikes: Being told no, the heat