


7 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info




Mhoat - Land Subspecies


Hermit, Plant Merchant


Sprout Dragon

Masterlist Entry




Serious, Gentle, Reclusive, Impatient, Judgemental

A hermit by nature, Sprig prefers to live by himself away from the world. He's something of a recluse that enjoys the company of plants over others. His entire job is centered around this, collecting dying plants from the forest and nursing them back to health. Sometimes he returns them, others he keeps, and some he sells because even as generous as the forest is a mhoat cannot live solely in isolation without needing some things. During these rare trips to the market, his usual gentle demeanor is replaced by seriousness. He doesn't want to have fun and if anything he wishes interactions to end as quickly as they begin. Even more so for mhoats he sees behaving carelessly towards his plants, keen to quick judgments when it comes to those in particular. Yet, he never snaps, his voice is always quiet and calm even when angry. He is used to whispering quietly to the plants he tends, so he doesn't seem willing to speak any other way.


  • Has three siblings Skylar, Anisa, and Vin. While he respects Skylar and confides in Anisa, his relationship with Vin is very confrontational due to a spat in their childhood that neither mhoat seems willing to drop...much to their siblings' annoyance. Skylar often acts as the stern one and Anisa as the peacekeeper anytime all four siblings have to share the same space and Vin and Sprig are prone to bickering otherwise.
  • He spends much of his week traveling across the islands in search of plants that fail to thrive. He believes that even as a plant merchant he should make decisions that benefit the islands, which means leaving healthy plants to flourish and taking those that wilt or suffer from disease to nurse them back to health. Those that recover will often find their way to Foggy Night's cemetery or other locations in need of a bit of greenery, while those that need more individualized care are the ones he takes to the market once a week to rehome. Of course, he keeps the most finicky or his most treasured oddities in his personal greenhouse.
  • Sprig is not fond of needles, so he is rather leery about visiting the doctor for any reason. He would have to be miserable and dragged there by his siblings just to be seen, which is why he is careful to take such good care of himself, especially with his more solitary and travel-based lifestyle.