


5 years, 4 days ago

Basic Info








Savannah Elf







Hair Color: Light Grey

Eye color: Green

Skin Color: Tan

Body Type: Fit and Curvy

Tattoos:  (see in images)

Piercings: None

Armor: The gauntlet and her shoulder pad ( has several types)

Jewelry: pink Gem shard attached to her ear 

Face: a cute little mole on next to her eye 

Shoes: Barefoot


  • No powers
  • Poor fighting skills
  • Would mostly avoid fights rather than face them
  • May be fit, but physical strength is average
  • Chaos juice immunity does not protect injuries from outside sources such as drinking hemlock or cut by a knife.


  • Expert Hunter for game
  • Mining skills 
  • Decent tinkering and machine skills
  • Enhanced Hearing
  • Carries a Gunspear and has a pretty good aim (see image)
  • Agile


 As a result of Havana never seen the outside the Savannahs, She is going to be a very curious Elf to see things that haven't seen in the Savannahs. Heck she hasn't seen another of her kind, other elves, or rarely a human or two.  With the exception of the two armies, whom are more interested on shooting her. 

In which she had developed a cautious tone and dislikes military OCs. however Warriors did come into contact with Havana, but mostly try to woo her for her genetic immunity to Chaos Juice. Though she would be mostly confused on how marriage works.... not even sex.

Fun Fact:

if she invites you to her tree home, expect her top to come off as she wants to be comfortable and she justifies her being the only person in her house. Though she would ask you to join for lunch by eating a large leg of animal she got roasting on the fire XD

She LOVES mining and the Savannahs is quite rich in minerals and ore, heck she actually collects the gems and puts them in her basement and its a lot. Though the manuals she stole don't contain geology so she doesn't realize that these gems have a high value (especially the gem she has as an earpiece) and she harvests the ores and minerals using the mining equipment she stole from the army camps

She also hates tight clothing, too scratchy and had bad times when she was kidnapped once by a passing prince. She prefers loose and open clothing since its feels comfy to her

While she may look like a warrior, she actually isn’t mostly avoid fights. Though she is a great Hunter and can aim very well.

Turns out she is literally the only Savannah Dwelling Elf so far… I actually asked people who owned, drawn fantasy and never heard of them. Originally she was gonna be a jungle elf, but it was too common and the African Savannas idea just stuck. This actually enhances her story since she is the only person living in the savannahs (excluding the armies).

Chaos Juice and Her Gunspear:

This particular odd looking gunspear that has been stolen by a female Elf named Havana who lived in the savannahs where two armies are clashing for its resources. Although Havana tried to tweak the spear to the best she could, though the biggest improvement was weaponizing Chaos Juice on the spear. Though what is Chaos Juice? A very odd solution that Real Life Chemistry and fictional alchemy and chemistry can't actually answer, but its a very dangerous substance for those that come into contact with it. Simple answer..... have you ever been frozen, poisoned, dazed, blind, on fire, confused, tremoring, cursed, smeared (demon powers attacking the body who owns those powers), crippled, bleeding, lacerated, and anything that can cause serious harm without physical application by a blade applied all at once? Well that's chao's juice for you and everyone that got in contact would find it very unpleasant in terms of pain and suffering.  Although the only person who is immune to the juice's insane effects is Havana, heck she drinks it that gave her health beneifits such as good weight size that gave her a nice curvy body.

Oh the juice makes a neat explosive if it hits the floor on impact


Often nicknamed the Conspiracy of the Savannahs, the whereabouts of Havana’s origins had remained a mystery as coming into contact with her is rare. This only cements the factor as there had been no other presence of Savannah Dwelling elves around. Although some question who is she. Is she a goddess that fell from the heavens? Nope that was debunked. How about a science experiment that escaped? Noo.. that was debunked too… How about that she defected from a tribe, but doesn’t know that? Nope that too..

The only way to know is to ask her yourself, but you have to find her first and that is gonna be awhile. Having to live alone in the Savannahs, it took awhile for her to get the hang of hunting and establishing a house. Although as her skills to hunting had improved during her stay, she had brought home some tasty meat for the fire. Life for Havana was pleasant, tough yes, but she enjoys the days. 

That is until two armies show up in her homeland, thus bringing many problems to Havana. Such as game fleeing the lands to avoid the conflict or faced extermination, getting caught in the crossfire, both taking all the resources for themselves, and trying to trade with them had been proven difficult as it gotten her into trouble many times. Despite of these issues, it had brought some benefits as she was able to scavenge equipment from abandoned camps or stealing items that are left unguarded. It was also the time she stole a Gunspear from an armory as due to one of the armies raiding the other’s base. She also stole other items such as medicine, toilet paper, manuals, and even mining tools. The manuals had came in handy to teach havana on how to make this odd machines work that made work easier for her to get by

The motives of the armies are unknown to her, but she is more concerned on when these two are going to leave and get back to living normally without the threat of bullets whizzing past her at 400 mph.

Quick Summary:

Due to Havana being the only Savanna dwelling elf so far, she hasn't seen much outside of the area to where that she hasn't seen a male or female elf as far as she can remember. In fact she be naturally curious to see the outside world. As mentioned before, havana is no warrior as she tends to avoid fights as her clothing can't stop a bullet or blast from a grenade. Not to mention her swinging her spear recklessly would make a warrior laugh. Speaking of which Havana had been cautious towards warrior ocs as she was kidnapped... twice and the clashing armies had made living in the Savannahs difficult. Expert hunter and pretty agile movement, but she ain't no wonder woman when it comes to strength. Havana's favorite food is A Shovel Beast ribs drizzled in a honey sauce she found in a recipe book. Speaking of which as the two armies arrived and clashed with one another, havana tried to take the opportunity to steal any possible equipment in the camps that were either attacked or left alone. where she steal things like medicine, rations, mining tools, instruction books, etc. It has made life for her easier for the most part. However being one elf against 2 large armies that have better equipment and training, then you are better off being in a abusive harem than fighting them head on.

Being Kidnapped... twice as told by Havana:

havana: yes well the first kidnapping was by a royal caravan that I haven't seen before (and this was before the armies arrived) and I decided to take a look

havana: turns out that his elite guard had motion sensors and caught me spying them and had me taken to the front on what the sentence was.

havana: I'm not gonna lie that he was quite handsome, but he was merciful enough to ask me what was I doing.

havana:tell me about it, but I think he mistook my looks as for something beautiful living in the wild. though he never knew about my trait being immune to chaos juice.

havana: he offered to take me to his home... I declined nicely, but he insisted  and had the guard lock me in one of the trunks*

havana: he was able to get me out of the Savannahs and to some giant kingdom. turns out the place looked beautiful, but being locked in the trunk was not a special tour

havana: he had me sent to one of his bedrooms

havana: I asked why he took me from his home, and he responded that I looked beautiful, but his father was shocked to realize that he knew about me and the chaos juice

havana: I never knew the guy, but he did had knowledge about the chaos juice as he did research  on it

havana: well it looks like the king was astonished

havana: what surprised me is that since I am a female and having the immunity trait, I'm a valuable asset since I can pass this trait down.

havana: he wanted me to be assimilated to be their kingdom in behavior in Hope's the prince or the guy that got me in the trunk would be married

havana: although it wasn't all bad when I was able to see some cool things about the kingdom, lots of culture and new things... oh yeah food and lots of it "shrugs happily"

havana: they tried to show me proper manners, like I couldn't remove my top in the house

havana: for me to be like a true lady, like they made me wear those puffy dresses and holy shoot they feel weird.

havana: tell me about it, but when the night of the proposal took place, they had a huge ball or party to celebrate the supposed marriage, but it was also the day i tried to make my escape

havana: though I had to plan carefully during my time there since they place is guarded.

havana: it was successful... barely as I was able to sneak out when the ceremony was going through those speeches and had to steal a bag of gold from them to get me on a transport out. I haven't heard from them again, but.... they were nothing when the 2nd kidnapping was unpleasant.

havana: it was a different group

havana: well... I haven't told you this, but when treading the savannahs, avoid the southeast part of the area

havana: turns out that area is control on what I remembered to be a barbaric or savage camp there.

havana: I don't know if the armies dealt with them since it has been a while since I went back there

havana: a group were busy hunting and I happened to accidentally met them when I myself was hunting as well.

havana: yep, I accidentally killed their game when I haven't seen the wounds, but I would simply let them have it and flee to avoid trouble, but this huntress found it angering and had her two hunters pin me down

havana: I wasn't the strongest so I couldn't fight back with them bigger than me

havana: they took me back to their camp and it turns out that they had adopted a feral lifestyle, which is not good since they might be cannibals

havana: or something worse, but they took me to their chieftain

havana: well... the chieftain…

havana: he found my appearance attractive.... "is bit quiet"..but that's bad since I found out he had a small harem that don't look happy.

havana: it was that one night.... he tried to rape me in my cell.. "tears up a bit"

havana: but that chance was slashed when his camp was attacked by one of the armies

havana: he put aside his sexual lust to fight off the intruders, but left the door open and immediately bolted. but I helped set the harem free too if he does this to the others, hopefully they made it out ok

havana: no, in fact I remembered that the camp was in flames when I returned to look for any harem survivors

havana: I guess... but new problems are now arising.

havana: but I'm ok now.... at least I don’t have to worry of that chieftain.