kelsey ✨



5 years, 4 hours ago


name kelsey
age unknown
gender female
orientation demi
species sleep paralysis demon
designer stkfc & 28stabby
value four kidneys
status nfts
oh yes, i am quite delightful of character indeed!

a funky, borderline psycho sleep paralysis demon that takes greatest pleasure in messing around. she cracks stupid knock-knock jokes, creates unorthodox puns and sniggers at the strangest things, all the while sitting innocently on the bed of a traumatised human that can't seem to move a millimetre. she enjoys her job a little way too much and always volunteers to cover her coworker's shifts. unlike most of demons, kelsey actually does have a heart and does frequently feel sad and sympathetic about something- just never humans. instead she'll mourn about the poor banana that gets thrown out, or the light bulb that has to power through the day just because someone forgot to turn them off. although some aquaintances think it's just her joking or being dramatic, kelsey actually does feel bad about such instances and will make sure to terrify her victims into never wasting a banana or light bulb ever again.

kelsey's past is a complete mystery that only she knows about, and she heavily intends to keep it that way. surprisingly, however, it's not actually that bad or traumatic at all. kelsey just doesn't talk about it because it's funny to see others awkwardly step around the subject.

kelsey has a few that she considers close friends, although most of them are unsure if they're genuinely her close friends due to how casual she treats everyone.