Elidyr Lunelis



5 years, 2 months ago


Elidyr Lunelis

Last edited 15/8/2019

Elidyr in his casual outfit

Elidyr Lunelis info

Born Unknown

Orientation Gay

Occupation Lord of Sleeping Bough

Relationship Taken

Attribute Calm



Theme joji - will he

Elidyr is a survivor of the Sleeping Bough massacre. He is the ex-lover of Wynn Endove and the only one alive who knew what happened with the Sleeping Brotherhood. He is now Lord of Sleeping Bough and is a kind and just ruler who cares immensely for his people.

Whilst Wynn took a dark path in part due to his trauma, Elidyr grew from his. He recovered and became stronger, learning to cope with what happened to him and prevent others from going through the same.

In The Brotherhood

Elidyr grew up in the brotherhood as an only child of his family. Nobody else would ever find out, but his father was the cult's leader, Sorn, and his mother was one of the council, Angaris. He was sheltered from the others until he was an adult and so didn't have the best social skills.

When he was released, he met with a young man named Wynn Endove, who tried to distance himself from the man. He refused to stop trying, however, and eventually the two developed a close relationship and became lovers. They stayed this way even after Wynn killed Sorn and the council, and everything only ended when Wynn attempted to kill Elidyr too.

Life After Wynn

Rebuilding Sleeping Bough

Surviving Wynn's attempt to kill him, Elidyr awoke beside the grave of Wynn's brother, Rhys Endove, to find it uncovered and the unconscious body of Rhys beside him. He swiftly hurried to find shelter in the abandoned houses of Sleeping Bough and nursed Rhys back to health.

The two, once stable enough to do so, began to reform Sleeping Bough. They transformed the cave - once the fire stopped - into part of the village and it eventually began to transform into a nicer and safer place.

Healing The Wound

The two worked endlessly to make Sleeping Bough a safe place for travellers of all kinds. They welcomed those who sought refuge at first, taking in those who needed places to temporarily stay. Then, people began to move in and call the place their home.

Soon enough, the small village of Sleeping Bough became a city and home to a variety of individuals, and rumours about the Sleeping Brotherhood began to circulate as people found records in the caves and heard whispers from Rhys and Elidyr themselves. This continued until finally the two decided to tell the tale to its fullest. Elidyr entered a relationship with Rhys soon after and has healed from his trauma;

Personal Life

collected, thoughtful, patient cynical, indifferent, clumsy







Elidyr's personality.

Elidyr is a kind man who stands for peace. He used to be very anxious and troubled due to everything he has been through, but he has since recovered and become confident and sweet. He is determined to make others happy and feel at home.

Sleeping Bough is his pride and joy and he is proud of the community he has built above all else. He is passionate about it and its people, though not about much else.


Elidyr pleading for his life in the caves.


  • Elidyr is a big fan of waterfalls.
  • He likes sunbathing and climbing trees.
  • He loves frogs and amphibians in general.
  • He likes purple.


  • Elidyr has a distaste for caves, but he doesn't hate them.
  • He doesn't much like the colour blue.
  • He hates insects.
  • Elidyr dislikes thunderstorms.


  • Elidyr spends a lot of time in the tavern and is familiar with almost all of the city's inhabitants.
  • He sometimes captures and then releases doves if they are seen in the city, seeing them as harbingers of evil.
  • There is an area of the city that is a gorgeous decorated pond. Elidyr looks after the animals there.
  • Elidyr spends a lot of his time reading,


Rhys, date unknown.

Rhys and Elidyr are incredibly close. The two formed a bond whilst reforming Sleeping Bough and have been together ever since, spending most of their time together and watching over each other.

Wynn, date unknown.

Wynn was Elidyr's first lover. Sometimes, he still wonders how Wynn is doing, though he knows there is no way of finding out. He tries not to let the rumours fester too much but knows it is inevitable. Despite this, he still wants to protect Wynn's legacy.

Sorn, date unknown.

Elidyr and his father didn't get along. He still hates him.