Nathaniel Kilgraive



4 years, 11 months ago



His eyes hold no emotion either, he'll normally be found in his armour as it's his form of protecting himself. He had dark brownish almost black hair with chalky looking pale skin.


Kilgraive was born in Duskwood to a pair of guard parents whom he adored very much so, he followed in their footsteps in taking up the mantle of guard Cpatain from his mother. Although not longer after things became far too everyday and boring for him, dealing with the town drunkard starting fights on a daily basis was testing. So he set his sights towards the city, Stormwind and more importantly it's army. He signed himself up and having leadership experience after training he found himself in the position of an officer training his own troops.

He married a few years after that to his wife Lorelia whom of which he had a baby daughter with. She was his pride and joy and he'd often show her off. Even tohugh he didn't spend most time at home but away from the city on excursions he still spent as much time as possible with them.

He fought in both the war against the undead horde in Northrend. But fell towards the end of the battle, he woke up not remembering who he was but to the faces of other undead, red eyed and just as unknowing as him. He had no recollection of his name, who he was/had been or even his family that he'd left behind.

He fought by the sides of his fellow forsaken agaisnt the Alliance although he felt a strange pull back towards the otherside. Flashes in his memory coming back although it was never all toally filled in. He'd met a young woman who recognised him, who shared some of his features but called him a monster walking in a good mans body. Called him out in the middle of the street and left him standing there. He had no clue it had been his daughter, the small giggly curious girl had turned into a young woman.

Military History

(As Arthur Belgraive)

- Squired as a Paladin under Lady Cassandra Aegis. (16 Years Old.)
- Swore his Paladin Oath and became Ser Arthur Belgraive the Unyielding (24 Years old.)
- Served in the Third War as a Private.
- Promoted to Lieutenant after Third-War - Aged 38 when promoted.
- Served against the Lich King.
- K.I.A (Killed-in-Action) during the war against the scourge. - 43 when K.I.A


- Captain in the Forsaken Forces (Ret.)
- Fought in the Fourth War. (Current.)
- Forsaken Emissary (Current.)


(As Arthur Belgraive)

Wife - Lorelia Belgraive - Deceased - Met during his military service during the third war, she was a priestess healer. They often prayed together and she'd give him blessings.

Daughter - Joy Belgraive - Arthur's first born, his wife Lore thoughtof the name and Nate thought it suited their bundle of Joy perfectly.

Son - Alistair Belgraive - The second Belgraive child and just as special as the first, Artie couldn't have been more proud and named the boy after his father.


Body State

- Spine exposed due to decay.
- Left index finger stitched back on.
- Joints are kept padded in armor due to rubbing.
- Sunken cheeks and eyes.

Known Languages

- Common
- Thalassian
- Orcish
- Gutterspeak

You're free to have an opinion of Nate and him being a Forsaken but keep it to yourself. I'm sick of negativity and everyone giving me their opinions on it. Don't like it? Don't RP with me then.


- Woodkid - Land of All
- Imagine Dragons - Next to Me
- Lewis Capaldi - When the party’s over

- Florence & The Machine - Breathe of Life

- KALEO - Can't go on Without You

- Billie Eilish - Bury a Friend{/col}