


4 years, 11 months ago


This is Azure! She's a smol brown bear that loves to wear her braided bracelet, necklace and flower crown. She has two small blue swirls on her knees and has blue paw pads on her back paws. She really enjoys flowers, any type is perfect for her! As long as they're colorful and have soft pedals. She also loves spring showers! Rain is her favorite weather because it feels nice on her thick coat of fur. It also helps grow flowers so she loves it! Singing nice melodies helps her calm down if she's shaken up, she can get startled easily despite her being a brown bear and being somewhat intimidating to others.  She will hum to herself alone if she ever has a panic attack or just small spooks. She enjoys going to the river to watch the fishes and sometimes sing to the birds. She's a soft spoken bear, she hardly ever raises her voice. Azure also loves chasing fireflies at night! She would nip at them or try to bat them with her big ol paws! Of course, she doesn't mean to hurt them, she just sees them as little lights floating around. She has many nice names, but her favorite is Baby Blue, she's not sure who exactly gave her that name, but she really like it^^