
4 years, 11 months ago



"Don’t ever stop. Always keep going, no matter what happens, never give up."

  • Name Twilight Clearheart
  • Age 5 Years
  • Height Six and a Half Feet (at the shoulder)
  • Occupation Monarch of the Shining Star Wingery
  • Sexuality Heterosexual
  • Personality

    Twilight is viewed by the dragons under her as a kind leader. She is strong, but does not let that turn her into a mindless brute. The lack of cracks on her gem proves that she can fend for herself, and for those under her, which is how she gathered a lot of her Wingery. She has a decent sized hoard, and like all Crystal Drakes, favors the same gem as she carries on her tail. Her gem is amethyst, and she protects her collection of purple gems quite fiercely.

    Twilight's downfall is snap decisions however. She needs time to think through things. Whenever she is required to make a decision on the fly, Twilight makes it, and spends the next few hours fretting that it was the wrong one.She does most of her worrying in private, but she does have a council of trusted dragons that she turns to when needed.

  • Appearance

    Twilight has dark gray scales, with a pale gray underbelly. Her hair is a dark purple, and her horns are stark white. She had golden eyes with round pupils, and almost no scars. In fact, she only has two scars. One is on her hind right palm, from when she made a crash landing onto a sharp rock, and the other is just behind her left horn, from her fight with her old Monarch. Twilight's gem is a rich purple amethyst. It is heart shaped, and uncracked, proving she is healthy. Like about fourty-percent of Crystal Drakes, Twilight is beardless. Unlike most species of dragons, having a beard does not define gender, in fact Twilights sister had a flaming red beard. It is just a matter of genetics.

  • Likes Rain, Gems, Purple Flowers, Leading, Caring for the Wingery
  • Dislikes Dragons who look down on her
  • Backstory

    Twilight is young compared to most Monarchs, and her oddly shaped gem can be seen as cause for concern. Her heart-shaped crystal has also earned her some scoffing, others saying that a dragon with such a 'dainty' gem must not be very strong at all. But any dragon who has thought that about her would be wrong.

    Twilight earned the right to become a Monarch in a duel. She defeated the Monarch of her old Wingery, but decided instead of taking over she would create her own. She flew out, and spent several months travelling, in order to ensure she was far from the territory of other Wingeries. She eventually settled on a small series of star-shaped islands, and decided to entitle her Wingery the Shining Star Wingery.

  • Dusk Brother

    Twilight and her brother haven't spoken in several years, even before she left their old Wingery. Dusk has always followed the flow of others, preferring to 'fit in' rather than be shut out and looked down upon. As such, he joined in teasing Twilight about her heart-shaped gem. Though she does miss him, Twilight would be fine never seeing his face again.

  • Dawn Sister

    Twilight has a fairly good relationship with Dawn. Though she hasn't seen her sister since she left their old flight, Twilight has often though about asking her sister to join Shining Star.

  • Cirrus Friends

    Cirrus was the first dragon who joined the Shining Star Wingery, and as such Twilight has had a lot of time to get to know him. She likes him, but only as a friend.

  • Question

    Nullam convallis semper elit, quis tempus lectus dignissim tincidunt. Aliquam facilisis pellentesque nibh. Nullam sed porttitor tellus. Fusce dictum nulla ut enim euismod, eget pellentesque metus egestas. Nam eget massa a massa hendrerit condimentum eu sit amet ex. In convallis, odio ac mollis tempor, nunc dui efficitur libero, ac aliquam orci sem eu magna.

  • Question

    Integer eu rutrum tellus. Nulla facilisis neque eu massa rutrum, nec consectetur arcu bibendum. Nullam feugiat libero eu massa commodo volutpat.

  • Question

    Aenean vulputate efficitur lacus, at feugiat orci sodales porta. Donec vulputate accumsan orci, at tempor ante mollis vitae. Vivamus accumsan dapibus sodales. Aenean dignissim turpis eget risus eleifend, et congue arcu mattis.

  • Question

    Etiam auctor nibh semper nunc aliquam, et facilisis felis sodales. Proin vel volutpat augue. Donec suscipit mollis gravida. Sed vel lectus a justo sodales posuere.

  • Trivia
    • ● Twilight's Crystal Drake number is 001.
    • ● Twilight has a sister named Dawn and a brother named Dusk.
    • ● Nullam mollis pharetra ipsum nec ultricies.
    • ● Maecenas aliquet porttitor vehicula. Donec tristique porta arcu nec cursus.
    • ● Ut malesuada lectus laoreet lorem pulvinar, in suscipit erat lacinia.
    • ● Nunc et ultrices orci, id hendrerit massa. In mattis interdum augue, vel scelerisque elit venenatis sed.

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