Miko Katsumata 勝亦 み子



4 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info

Name (First, Last)

Miko Katsumata






Seismic Pulse

Hero Name




Miko is a bright student, often spending extra time on her lessons and learning as much as she can about the world. She is a bit loud, and many people see her as a bit ditzy, but she regularly earns top scores and performs well in her general studies.

She is bubbly and friendly, often earning the trust of even her most aggressive classmates. She gets caught up in many situations due to her friendly and giving nature, but when asked about it, she simply states that it is better to assume ignorance than malice.


Miko's quirk is called Aftershock. She constantly is emmitting small tremors from her limbs. In order to combat this, she wears boots with thick padded soles that are built specifically to absorb the shocks from her day-to-day activities. She will sometimes wear gloves that provide a similar effect, but has learned to better control the movement of her arms as opposed to her legs.

While in her hero suit, she walks around barefoot. She mainly stands on her toes in this state and trained herself to tread carefully so as not to cause any disturbances. If she hits an opponent, they will typically suffer from nausea from their whole body being subjected to her force. She is delicate with others, and will only strike in a life-or-death situation.

In the bag on her back, she keeps her gloves and a pair of shock-absorbing slippers. If she encounters a civilian, or needs to sprint, she will throw these on to avoid any collateral damage.


Miko enjoys the sun, and will often take walks around campus. She is usually seen with her two best friends, Hotaro and Kakuei, and will talk with them for hours on end. The trio have been friends since they were kids, and have always dreamt of attending UA together. They couldn't be happier with how their dreams turned out.