


4 years, 11 months ago




" Nature is the only constant, we must embrace it. " ― Azura


An ancient tribe, this clan is highly solitary, and rarely allows visitors. It is mostly hidden from other tribes so has a very unique ans untouched way of doing things. They are mostly just a myth, the stories passed from those that had ancestors come from the tribe, or descended from the tribe. A well known fact is they build like no other tribe. They are rather advanced in their building. Many have tried to learn the secrets, most dying before even reaching the teibe, others learning nothing and being sent on their way. There are plenty who believe the trive doesn't exist at all, and they can't say they're upset with the lack of attention. Though if found, they do generally give a token if the visitor is respectful.

Tithorea has a very unique way of building that uses massive stone blocks. They use water and trees, that have fallen naturally, to move them in place, as well as primitive pulley systems. They build massive beautiful structures laced with things of nature. They embrace the trees and plants growing directly into their buildings. It's part of nature and they are but here temporarily, where as nature is a permanent part of the world.

Lands held & seasons felt

tumblr_n0dsoeobGC1t30b6mo3_500.gifTithorea is in the deep swampland jungles. It holds a large area of space with waterfalls, trees, and streams throughout. The land itself is mostly solid though some is marshland with thick concentrations of water in these parts, the homes built on stilts to stay above the water level throughout the year.

Tithorea faces mostly mild weather with a steadily hot and humid temperatures outside while being cool in the stone buildings. However, they do face a rainy season in which the water levels can rise several feet. Nothing is built flush with the ground, and ancient steps are worn to be almost a ramp from the yearly water rising.


The religion practices here mostly focuses on nature. There are places for the sun and moon in this religion as they fuel nature in the eyes of the tribe. The head of the tribe is thought of as a prophet for nature. New buildings are a rare thing among the tribe and nearly all stuctures have been there far longer and will one day be consumed entirely by nature. As per their religion they do not interfere and embrace nature becoming one with their homes and lives. The result is often stunning and abandoned looking structures.


ba747766445db9b1cca2ca8113bb281d.gifTithorea is run by a king and queen, the queen being the true ruler. Just below them is the royal family, where all female heirs are chosen from. The rest of the tribe has no real status, however you job determines your importance. A priest for instance has a higher rank than a leather worker. They have no real pull in society but their living situation is generally better or they have more accommodations. The royal family lives in the central structure of the tribe.


There are many festivities celebrated by Tithorea. One such celebration is the "Festival of Rebirth". This festival is celebrated anytime a toskal passes. Not only to celebrate the life they held, but to also create a gateway to join nature by burning the body amd burying the ashes and any remaining bones.

Another, far more rare, festival is the "Festival of Induction". This is celebrated when the King and Queen step down for their daughter and her mate to take the throne. To miss this festival is like missing a suped blue blood moon, its a once in a life time opportunity. A massive feast is held in the Royal Hall and dances take place all night. It is also customary for the former Queen to bow to her replacement as a show of the greatest respect.

"The Celebration of Welcoming" is another rare festival that takes place of the occurence of a mate joining, or a slim chance of a visitor being accepted. The new toskal is covered paint and dunked in the water to come to the surface anew.

The Rite

68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e617773Toskals who are heading on their Rite, have a handprint of the king's blood on the left side of their chest, and one of the left side of the queen's blood. They are also given a bag of supplies and anything they may need.

All pups are trained to respect nature and only take what they need. They are taught feverishly in archery and spear throwing. Disrupt as little as possible in the world. Tithorea's return rate for tosks is rather high, over 90% opting to return to their secluded home.


 While Tithorea is very skeptical about visitors, it is possible for outsiders to join the tribe. They often are being watched, far before they reach the tribes central hub. If wishing to join they are judged on how they behaved. If they followed the tribes beliefs, they may be accepted. Any toskal found disrespecting nature will be turned away immediately. 

Those that are found worthy are celebrated and "reborn" as a part of the tribe during the ceremony. Mates are far more likely to be accepted and basically guaranteed, however its not common to bond outside the tribe.

code credit - @leefiisweetie