captain gar





captain gar

they / them


sep 5

i’ll build a home at sea


  • a remote sailor who prefers the company of the ocean to others.
  • captain gar is rarely seen near any sort of land mass, opting to stay among the waves.
  • they have a decent sized ship that doubles as their living space. unsurprisingly, the ship’s cabin decorated closely to a home and is adorned with many sailing-related trinkets.
  • they seem to have an agreement with the sea itself to protect one another. if one travels far enough off of rockridge’s shore, the currents will either guide them to or divert them from gar’s location depending on who it is that approaches.
  • in conversation, gar is very stilted and terse. they prefer to communicate through actions and harbor a quiet respect for those who can do the same.
  • they are missing their left antenna, eye, and leg from an old ship crash. their antenna is bandaged, they wear an eyepatch, and they have a prosthetic wooden leg.
  • they have a slight underbite.
  • they like to dress formally despite rarely having an occasion to do so.

  • snout: medium - common
  • teeth: cannibal - common
  • antennae: long - common
  • antennae tip: round - common
  • claws: fingertip - common
  • tail: whale - common