Poppy/Kiku Akiyama



7 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info


Kiku Akiyama [changed from Roxie Akiyama]




Polo Player








"i'm blonde i'm skinny i'm rich and i'm a little bit of a bitch" - Kiku 2k16

Origins (rough draft)

  • 2 famous conglomerates arrange a marriage for their heirs in order to unite their powers for overall profit.
    • They hit it off ??? nice. Do the fuc at one point probably
  • Akiyama’s fiance plays hooky and has a trist w/ Latin American. Lol the bread in ur wife’s oven is not yours kiddo. Wife lowkey wants to escape the ties that bind her to such a restrictive lifestyle, has plans w/ lover to elope to America
  • Mr. Akiyama is an Asshole and hires hitmen from the Mafia Elite to hunt down the couple because he’s not just any Asshole. he’s an Asshole With Cash Money
  • Baby (Roxie) is left and trusted w/ one of the wife’s  handmaid. Handmaid is kind of an asshole and distributes the child to Akiyama 9 years later, having been bred in an environment deemed fit for a future heir. Yeah, the Akiyama conglomerate does some skeezy stuff in their downtime, but thankfully their investment surplus/public reputation  gets them the upper hand in any given situation.
  • Mr. Akiyama has remarried, and New Wife is also an Asshole. With Roxie under their legal custody as his ‘child’, New Wife renames Kiku (after yellow chrysanthemum, which signifies neglected love/sorrow, in reference to her strikingly blonde hair . plus chrysanthemums in general are flowers used for funerals and signify death) to forever embed her biological mother’s shortcomings onto Kiku, so that everytime she calls her name, it constantly reminds her of her shameful birthright. Her physicality only boosted this and undermined any sense of dignity she had for her true family
  • Because the Akiyama Corporation has always upheld the clean-cut appearance of dark hair, dark eyes, dark suits, it plants the seed of wanting to conform inside her. Private school quickly uproots that desire, turning it into a full-on obsession, for she was taunted by her peers for her physical peculiarities.
  • No matter what she did, whether it was getting the highest marks in school, studying proper business  etiquette, diligently doing her chores, or how well-rounded of a person she hoped others perceived her to be, people only saw her as the black sheep of the family. Akiyama was foolish for letting his whore of a former wife’s child into the bloodline. But New Wife was an infertile little thing and shit lol they were ‘’Desperate’’ (:
    • In reality, Akiyama just wanted to salvage the last living remnant of the girl who left his legacy in tatters and smother it with his unresolved anguish and resentment.

Road to Fame
Kiku never made any friends. But. she did get a cactus. She channeled the feelings she
would give to a friend onto it-- talking to it on a daily basis and not..rlly doing anything. In truth, it was a very low-maintenance friend, so the moment she would make friends, it is that much harder for her to sustain them. Thats why she sucks at it. Not to mention the environment she was bred in indoctrinated her w/ this sense of being that much higher than others.

With all her skills and  achievements passing as unrecognized by everyone, Kiku took to a new route. If it was one thing she was terribly good at, it was channeling her unbridled rage into hitting things. So a sport it was. Kiku was taught to ride a horse as a ‘recreational activity’ allowed in her ‘Adult Plan’--- this ‘Adult Plan’  would groom her into a heiress suitable to take on the Akiyama business platform. Polo was mostly a male-dominated sport, but that didn’t stop Kiku from tinkering with it in her downtime. Ofc her parents were like… haha No. Thats A Boy Thing. Stop. but Kiku had her ways. Sometimes when she was riding her horse in the fields, donning gear that would hide her striking assets, she’d be invited by a group of boys who were playing a game of polo. Posing as One Of The Guys, she would accept and kick all their asses at the sport. Eventually, they were like, hey this guy’s pretty good. "Join our Polo Team ??" During the days she had practice, she was given a bit of leeway to escape a few activities listed in her Adult Plan, given people didn't give that big of a Shit about her. After all, she sucked the fruitful hours from their precious life dry. Eventually Kiku, rather.. Kou, built herself a rep among the other players, integrating herself as one of the guys, and becoming a valued and esteemed asset to the team.

More things later...