Leandro Cruz



4 years, 11 months ago



  • Name [Leandro Cruz aka Yazuo]
  • Vilain name            [Soothsayer/Uranaishi]
  • Birthday [14th July]
  • Age [23 years old]
  • Height [178 cm]
  • Blood type [B-]
  • Gender [Male]
  • Orientation [Bisexual]
  • Love interest [None]
  • Quirk [Auras Detection/Perception]
  • Hair Color [Black]
  • Eyes color [White]
  • Occupation [Vilain]
  • Affiliation [///]
  • Class [///]
  • Status [Alive]
  • Birthplace [Brasil]
  • Teams [///]
  • VoicE Actor[///]
  • Theme [link]

He's blind his eye are fully white though he almost never let people see it unless he had a good reason for it. He almost always wear some kind of glasses/mask.


I'm happy to be blind not to see your ugly face !


Leandro where rather Yazuo quickly learned to be suspicious of others, for him he does not give his trust to others, it is easy for him to see if a person is careless or lying to him, which only increases this feeling. He only work with other if he can get more money or use them for his own need. Because of his life he become very selfish, he don't care about what people think nor than he care about what can happen to them, only him count.

He always tends to say what he thinks, mainly in a cynical and sarcastic way, for him society doesn't deserve what they have, he want to take it for himself and enjoy it. His only desire is to live making the most of it, which is why he loves money and sex, no matter how he gets it.

He don't fear to die, he know he will pass throught it sooner or later, he dont care when or how, he just want to have a better life that his familly had much more live longer than his farther that he hate so much.

He always wearing glasses mostly cause he don't want people to see his eyes and make comment about them, though he doesn't care about people knowing he's blind, he don't think about his dissability as a problem. He's happy to don't know how this horrible world look.


  • Money, Gold...
  • Glasses
  • Spicy foods


  • liar


  • Elena Cruz - Mother - quirk: "Thermal Vision" - Dead
  • Ruan Moraes - Farther - quirk: "Snake talk " - Dead


  • He take some snake's caracteristic from his farther as a thin tongue and retractable fangs
  • He had the habit to put his tongue out and "tssss" like snake whan happy or angry
  • He's not a real smoker but do like to smoke from time to time to release some tension.


Leandro's family comes from the slums of Brazil, they have always lived in poverty and fear of cartels. Violence, trafficking and drugs were common for them. Despite her mother's advice and recommendations to watch out for bad people, young Elena, Leandro's mother, fell madly in love with a rogue youngster and quickly became pregnant. When the father heard the news, he left poor Elena, who nevertheless decided to keep the baby and raise him with the help of his parents. She went on to do many odd jobs that paid badly for trying to meet her future needs.

This is how young Leandro was born a few months later. No sooner had he started to open his eyes than worries began for Leandro, the doctors began to give him tests, worried about his whitish eyes. What they feared turned out to be true, Leandro was born blind and he could never see the world for himself. This news greatly worried the parents of Elena who proposed to leave Leandro at an orphanage, that it would be complicated to take care of him but she refused, she wanted to raise her son and was afraid that in an orphanage he would be left to himself and may be worse.

Leandro began to grow up in a small house surrounded by his family, everyone took turns watching him, his mother working at night and more and more as he grew up. Everyone feared the moment when Leandro started to walk and he was far behind at this level. His first steps were very difficult, seeing nothing Leandro did not understand what was going on and he hurt himself many times or fell. He soon learned, however, how to avoid things and manage, despite these problems Leandro was a rather smiling young boy.

The year of his three years, Leandro met his father for the first time. Indeed, the latter had not let go of his habits and had integrated a cartel, he had come to see his ex mainly to ask her for money. At first she refused, she needed it to support her family but ended up giving in for fear of reprisals ... While recovering the money, Ruan noticed the little boy, he approached him and when he saw his white eyes winced in disgust. He turned back to the mother and had violent words towards his own son, saying that he would never recognize a thing like him, that this boy would be only a bother for everyone, that he would end up early or later get killed because he was useless.

It was very violent for Leandro who cried which was only fueled by his father's words that he was weak and not a man to cry like that before leaving with his money.
A few months later, something surprised his family, Leandro was able to move everywhere more easily and without difficulty even in unfamiliar places and better still he seemed to recognize people without hearing them. Elena then took her son to the doctor who told her that her son had developed a quirk allowing him to imagine in his mind the world around him in the form of spots of color called auras. Even if he couldn't see this was going to help him a lot in his life.
Reassured, Elena was able to work more without fear for her son who now became more and more independent. The more time passed the more he developed his intelligence and his abilities.

Unfortunately the family's joy was only short-lived, Elena's father killed himself in an accident, their income fell and Ruan began to come more and more often to demand money, their standard of living fell and Leandro asked to help his mother for money, the latter refused and wanted her son to continue learning at school, that she was proud of him and that she wanted him to succeed in his life. Ruan made fun of them, counting his money, badly imagining Leandro could do something with his life, but when the young boy explained to him that with his quirk he could see things and very far it started to interest his father who imagined possibilities of using it as a detector to see when the police or rival gangs got too close to them. Elena was shocked and afraid that Ruan would want to get their son back and get him into a gang but he needed the boy to be bigger and he was planning to take him with him when the time came so that he would finally be useful for something.
This moment strongly marked Leandro, he did not want to be told about his father and began to hate him more and more, he began to fear the day when his father would try to take him away.

Leandro quickly understood that he was the only man in the house now and that he had to help as much as he could, he was learning at school hoping to make a lot of money later. He learned to grow mentally very quickly, not to complain or cry anymore, he had to be strong for his family.

Over time, his desire to learn and to be more mature fueled the jealousy and mockery of his comrades, his blindness didn't fix anything and he fought many times, coming home battered more and more often as the other kids use their own quirk against him. His mother was very worried but he preferred to reassure her, and he expected to win against them.

However the war between the gangs was only increasing more and more in their streets, Elena was more and more afraid for the safety of her family and especially her son. And what had to happen, happened, one day when Leandro playing in the street of the fights started to erupt not far from the house lot of different quirk were use and you would see fire and shots everywere to be heard. All this led to panic, shouts, Leandro was anxious but did not cry, he saw around him the color of fear and hatred, the places where everyone was hiding. He saw where the snipers were and started running when he realized they were approaching his house. When Leandro opened his dear door, he found his mother in the kitchen and barely had time to push her to the floor when a burst of attacks fell on the house. The horror of that moment seemed to last forever but when calm returned, everyone looked at the damage and Elena hugged her son who was for her a hero. They learned later that evening that all of this was a warning to Ruan, that the gang members knew he had a connection to them.

Leandro didn't like his mother calling him her hero, because none of these so-called heroes had been able to put an end to this always too sudden action and appearing in the bad districts of the country. He felt more and more anger at the world and their living conditions. He was only very happy a few weeks later when he was told of his father's death in a fight, he was 10 years old.

Elena, worried about her son, decided that she absolutely had to leave this country to live elsewhere in better condition, so that her son could live happily. She put all of her money aside and began to search where it could be. A few months later, she met a man from the strange, he was handsome and spoke well, he explained that he had a good relationship with people living in Japan and that he could take him away over there to start a new life. It seemed almost idyllic, this country seemed beautiful but she was not really sure that it was a good idea. But when her mother died soon after illness, nothing kept her here, only fear and bad memories ... So she sold the maximum of things and took all the money aside to accept the proposal of this man.

Leandro did not like this man, he had even tried to coax him with a funny toy which he called pendulum. Even if this object was very pretty, he did not trust him, his aura reminded him too much of that of people in gangs. Despite explaining his fears to his mother, she was determined to leave the country and some time later they found themselves in a small plane to Japan. The man had told them that once he arrived in Japan, he would give them the papers with their money he would exchange and a place to sleep. Elena was very impatient, she hoped to be able to quickly find a job and visit this new country. But she quickly became disillusioned ...
On arrival, there was no one .... she tried to call this man but the numbers did not work anymore ... she tried to ask for help around her but nobody seemed to speak her language .

Leandro tried somehow to reassure his mother, they had nothing left but their belongings as the only material asset. Having learned some rudiments of English at school, he tried to make himself understood, to ask for information, but no one either answered him or even spoke to him. It was as if they were invisible to them.

Their living conditions had become worse, they slept in alleys, warming up as best they could. During the day, they sought help and places where they could apply for a job, and there were few positive responses. Elena blamed herself terribly for having put them in such a situation despite the recommendations of her son ... despite everything they managed to earn a little money here and there, enough to eat at least once a day. When it was too cold and they had no work, Leandro take his mother to the library, here they were warm and nothing was to be paid, he took the opportunity to learn more about the Japanese language and improve his English through books or computers.

Leandro had the impression that maybe everything could improve, he had even discovered another peculiarity of his quirk. The pendulum that had been offered to him adorned his ear, and seemed to act like a little snake, indicating where to go.
Unfortunately, his mother fell seriously ill, already weakened it only got worse ...
Leandro knew that she needed care and medicine but they did not have people to help them despite these requests ...
He needed money, lots of money and now!

Leandro thinks about what means could do the trick and only one idea comes to his mind and he was already destroying the idea of doing it ... He was going to have to steal and a large sum of money but above all not to be caught, his mother needed him.
He thought long and hard about the choice of his target, he studied the surroundings, the passage of people, the places to hide ...
He bought himself a big pair of dark glasses, he didn't want anyone to recognize him and after having prepared himself for a long time put his plan into action. Many times he thought he was being caught, but his pendulum always seemed to point him to the safest places, and he eventually came out with money in his pockets and ran towards the place where his mother had taken refuge.
When he found her Elena was lying on the ground, very weak ... she hardly opened her eyes when she heard her son and smiled at him when the latter announced that he had money and that he was going to be able to buy medicines to let her go better. Only, she knew that she was running out of time, opening her eyes was very hard for her. With her last strength Eelena took the face of her son between her hands apologizing for having been a bad mother for him, that she would have liked to make him live a good life but that her time had come ... Leandro did not want not believe it he refuse to let his mother speak like this, tears rolling down his cheeks. Elena made Leandro promise to use the money earned to try to live a good life, to continue fighting and to live.

Elena died a few minutes later, in the arms of her son at the end of an alley ...
Leandro spent many hours crying against his mother's body until he could no longer. He ended up breaking his silence, he couldn't stay there and he couldn't let his mother like that ... He used the money to steal to give his mother a burial descent.
He was going to keep his promise to her and live, and for that he needed money and he knew how to have it, he was going to steal his people who did not deserve this money! Who cares who would get in his way he wouldn't stop! He would live his life to the fullest and as he felt it! He had nothing left to lose!

But he had one very important thing to do above all ... he was going to find by all means this man who had ruined the life of his mother who, for him, had killed him! He would take revenge no matter how long it lasted, he would kill him with his hands.

It was at the age of fifteen that Leandro became an orphan and welcomed his new role as a villain with open arms.

Since that day, he called himself Yazuo, wanting to leave it in his past his links with Brazil and his old life ...
He continued to learn the Japanese language while continuing to steal, more and more, taking more and more risk and loving it.

Though he hopes to be able to return one day to Brazil to see the grave of his grandparents and spit on that of his father telling gim he had a better life for someone useless, he hopes to be able to live longer than him and go and sell his life before him.


His quirk allows him to perceive the people around him, to know their exact position and what they do. 

His pendulum allows him to tell him the directions and position of his targets.

He can see the auras of people that's how he sees them and differentiates them.

His field of vision is 360 ° over a distance of 50 to 100 m

Ability and Competence

He’s really good with any type of knifes, his favorite weapon. He's not strong physicaly but compense it by his intelligence and flexibility.

He know well his quirk is not something common for vilain, that most of his "companions" have dark or dangerous one, but at least he can use other abbilities to achieves is goals.

His retractable fangs can be use as weapon too, they have 10 cm long, they can easily pierce the skin and reach the bones or vital organs. 

Even if he don't see thing, his quirk still allows him to see the aura, objects and people appear to him in the form of silouette, he does not see the details. He sees the aura and the difference of color allows him to know what the people feel (anger, envy, sadness, illness ...) and even the lie.
This ability comes from a derivative of his mother's quirk that could go into thermal vision.

He uses his own aura and energy to manipulate all the pendulums he carry on him and use them as weapons in addition to using them to move toward. When he use them, the pendulums look like snakes ready to bite you or strangle you!