Fallenpetal (☆ Backstory ☆)




Fallenkit, who was born to her mother, Duckquack, with a father unknown, was a kit who always wanted to be a leader. She always wanted to be powerful, strong, and a cat who was feared by all. She'd dream about a world she could be considered as strong as the old big cats once were and she would take playfighting very seriously.

Every opportunity she got, she'd sneak out while knowing apprentices and warriors were training so she could learn and practice new battle moves.  She got in trouble quite often due to the fact she got caught most of the time. Fallenkit had begun being supervised much more harshly by her mother and had no choice other than to practice the battle and hunting practices she had memorized in the Nursery.


She'd eventually become an apprentice and was quite good at hunting and fighting due to how much she practiced beforehand. She was strong for her age as well as very smug, wearing the name 'Fallenpaw' like a badge of honor. She had wanted to make Duckquack, her passed away siblings, her nameless father, her mentor, and StarClan proud and she would train nonstop by her mentor, Stoneskipper, to do so.

She was ready to defend her Clan at all times. Nearly nothing stopped her, and anything that managed to was viewed as foolish and arrogant to her. She was quickly falling down the rabbit hole of being incredibly aggressive, cruel, and generally a bummer to be around. 

Stoneskipper was very supportive of her due to her strength, despite the fact he disliked her behavior and acted as a father-figure to her.


She got her warrior name, Fallenfeather, after saving a young kit-aged kittypet named Frog from a large owl. She became even more proud after that and began believing that all cats outside of her Clan were fools who couldn't do anything for themselves.

She became an even worst cat in general but since she could still hunt and fight well and that's what she believed her worth was based on. She had become very distrusting of other Clans to the point where every interaction with a cat from a different Clan would lead into either an intense argument or battle. 

Fallenfeather would do these things quite often and eventually was never let onto a border patrol, though after a series of events that led a hunting patrol, with Duckquack and Stoneskipper in it, towards DewClan's border. While hunting, Fallenfeather had noticed an orange tabby DewClan cat swimming away from the border with a squirrel and had begun accusing them of stealing it. This started as an argument between the two cats until the other cats surrounding the DewClan warrior had joined in and began to defend their clanmate. Fallenfeather was angered by this and pounced onto the tabby cat. This started a battle that would rage on for a few hours, though it was forcefully stopped by Stoneskipper when Duckquack dropped onto the ground.

The cats within the hunting patrol rushed Duckquack to the Medicine Cat's Den, however, it was too late by the time they got there, as Sourplum, the Medicine Cat, couldn't do anything about it. Fallenfeather fell into a depressed and angry state as she began mourning her mother, she was guilt-heavy and felt as if she could no longer go on. She blamed everyone even remotely related to the situation that occurred, and the she-cat would spend most of her days lying in a specific field contemplating what had happened. She had a burning hatred for anyone who even looked at her, and she found it harder to hunt or fight, as every time she even unsheathed her claws, she remembered the time she last fought by her mother at that border patrol. She lost sleep over it and couldn't talk to anyone without nearly breaking down into a sobbing mess.

She hated herself for becoming such an aggressive, horrible cat, and for starting that battle over something so small, and every day for her had become miserable. After a while, Sourplum had requested that she came to his den to talk. Fallenfeather reluctantly did so, and Sourplum asked her to tell him how she felt due to the fact she noticed she was acting strangely.

After a few seconds of silence, she broke, telling him everything. She told him about her depression after Duckquack's death, feeling incredibly guilty for everything she'd done, her anger before and after the death of her mother, the fear of causing more pain, all of it. He was very understanding about it and after letting her feelings out, Fallenfeather felt a lot better and was able to hunt a small mouse.

Her venting to Sourplum had begun to happen often, and it helped her feel a lot better. After a while of this happening, Sourplum offered to let Fallenfeather become his apprentice and she agreed to, citing her newfound desire of saving and helping the cats around her as to why, though she knew she would have to run it by Seedstar first. This, however, proved to be not much as a problem as Seedstar allowed it.

Medicine Cat Apprenticeship 

Fallenfeather had begun being taught about both herbs and healing. The she-cat spent the bulk of her days practicing and memorizing what to do in the case of various injuries, both physical and emotional. 

She worked hard, however she still allowed herself to take breaks and Fallenfeather found herself reconnecting with the other cats in her life. She began apologizing to all the cats she was cruel to and was able to befriend Stoneskipper once more, talking to him often. Fallenfeather felt excited for the first time in a while and she was very motivated to learn and work.

Her peaceful life continued until Stoneskipper died of blood loss and she began questioning her strengths as a Medicine Cat due to the fact she couldn't save him from his gruesome fate. 

She found herself slipping back into old habits, but eventually, she was able to remember and appreciate what he did for her especially in his later life. With the help of Sourplum, Fallenfeather coped fairly well with the loss of her father-figure.

Medicine Catship

The she-cat continued working hard until she became a Medicine Cat. Her name was changed to Fallenpetal, to represent the ways she had changed. She continued with life, going to the Moon Oak more often by herself, seeing Stoneskipper and Duckquack again.

During one of these many trips, she helped the leader of PatchClan, Seedstar, mostly get over her fear of thunderpaths and they became good friends with a tight relationship. Due to the mix of gaining new friends and seeing her old loved ones, Fallenpetal was very content with her life and she lived incredibly peacefully.

She had noticed Sourplum had begun acting strangely but thought nothing of it until one day he collapsed onto the floor while checking the herbs for rot. Fallenpetal rushed over to his side only to find he was nearly dead, she panicked, but was calmed down by his words. He told her "Sometimes you must move on, my friend." before going limp and taking his last breath. Fallenpetal was very distraught by his death and the fear of taking responsibility as the sole Medicine Cat.

She was one of the many cats to mourn his death, but she coped very well with his death. She used his last words and long life as a way to make herself feel better.

During this period in Fallenpetal's life, Seedstar began feeling very guilty and sad over accidentally killing her old friend, Oddscream. 

Because of this, Fallenpetal, along with the deputy, Dawnskies, began comforting Seedstar as Fallenpetal understood what it was like to feel guilty over someone's death. Fallenpetal helped Seedstar quite a lot with her loss and this strengthened their friendship. Fallenpetal was also able to accept Sourplum's death during these times.

Her life was relatively calm and normal until she was appointed an apprentice by the name of Yewpaw. However, despite being intelligent on the subject of being a Medicine Cat, Fallenpetal had a hard time teaching her apprentice her knowledge. This made Yewpaw dislike being a Medicine Cat all together and Fallenpetal was not able to correct her mistakes in time.

She is still currently teaching Yewpaw how to be a Medicine Cat and is generally content with her life.