
4 years, 11 months ago


Full name: Banner

Gender: Male

Age: 49

Sexuality: Bisexual

Nicknames: Jade Jaws, Jolly Green Giant, Two-Hands, Hulky, Hulku, Green Goliath, Green, Enormous Green Rage Monster, Joe Fixit, War, World-Breaker, Doc Green, Devil Hulk

Birthday: August 9

Height: 4’7

Weight: 104 ibs

Personality: Banner is a very nervous man when it comes to anything. Banner could be fine one second then go completely insane and mad. 

Fears: That the “beast” will take over

Likes: Banner loves to learn anything new especially science and math. 

Dislikes: Getting mad and hurting people he loves

Habits: N/A

Flaws: Gets mad a lot

Species: Zombogi 

Family: N/A

Friends: N/a

Significant other: N/A


-Banner is on genius-level intellect as he works as a doctor 

-Banner has anger management issues and get really really mad

-He is really strong for his size